Sony, you -blam!-ing suck. Why would anyone pay for a service that doesn't work and can be compromised this easily? I already hate Microsoft, but at least people are able to play on their Xbox systems. Seriously considering switching...again...
Edit: I've calmed down. I'm not switching. It was a frustrated rant, and a subtle attempt to add to the influx of similar posts, in hopes that Sony would freak out and work harder to resolve the situation. Never thought I'd get this much flaming hate for posting a simple opinion, even if it was on the wrong forum section. Still, there's some funny shit on here, and I had a good laugh trolling back at some of y'all. Cheers. No hard feelings, fückers.
Edit: Maybe I should lump Bungie into this whole debacle. DDoS (or whatever) aside, how can Sony produce X amount of systems and not be prepared for X amount of online players? Even though Japan's economy is tanking, I'm pretty sure Sony has enough money for some god damn extra servers. Bungie knew how massively popular their game would be, yet they hardly prepared as well. Been locked out since Xmas eve. Maybe this is a rough comparison, but also keep in mind that this was around 10 years ago - I played WoW on an inferior internet connection, and can't remember ever being booted for performance issues...not once, and I ran mods. Wasn't that a popular game? OR...maybe the CIA is meddling to produce a fervor around soon to be voted on legislation, namely CISPA. Now some of you might be thinking, "WTF is CISPA?" (Go look it up.) And some of you may be thinking, "Gee, I wish there was more internet security so my shit doesn't get hacked again." Well, as frustrated as I am not being able to pacify my urge to get all reptilian-brained on the weapon of mass distraction (TV for the layman), using my preferred method of appeasement, being Destiny, of course, I still abhor the thought of letting our despotic government gain any foothold over one of the last true freedoms we actually have - THE INTERNET! The freedom of information... A great man put it better than I ever could have. I'll leave you with his words; "Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither." -Benjamin Franklin
(The quote may be a bit of a cliché at this point, and the circumstances surrounding the origins of it may be debatable, but it still rings true and hard.)
Edit: Fück Activision...just fück 'em.
See, I draw people in with the stupid, beat them around with insults (only those that started it), and then hit them with something important to noodle over...I'm sorry you all get to experience my slightly drunken way of doing things...hiccup, and shit, mother fücker.