Getting crucible marks feels like a chore...
Considering vanguard marks are easy to come by because you have Weeklys, dailys, random public events and regular strikes. Vanguard gear sucks and looks ugly. Plus you can only get gear from two places the weapon handler and the Vanguard armory. On the other hand you have 4 fractions you can level up for crucible.
The marks you receive from winning a match gives you 3 marks, if you loose you receive 2. If it was say 6 marks for winning and 3 for loosing it would give people more of a reason for actually winning the game. I find most people giving up when a team is up buy a thousand or two in control. It sucks because I'm always capping the locations but no one else try's.
It takes roughly 5 hours to acquire 75 marks for playing crucible considering each game takes 10-15 minutes. That's if you win every single game for 5 hours you will get 75. Say you loose 2 out of every 5 games it's going to take you roughly 6 hours. That's a lot of grinding for crucible. Plus the rewards you get for finishing, and if you do really well you still get blues or that ugly orange and blue shader. I've got like 20 of them and just keep deleting them. Bring in more shaders!
Another thing. NO ONE USES THERE MIC!! Everyone got a mic with there XBOX, why not use it to call out locations and to work as a team, it's frustrating to play an objective game with no communication.
What I would like to see is better rewards for winning a game, better rewards for players who place 1st, 2nd and 3rd. It gives players another reason to do really well on there team. Also changing the crucible marks from 3 to 6 for winning and 3 for loosing. Gives players who do enjoy both aspects of the game a chance to get what they deserve.
Playing Vanguard related activities gives players better rewards. I do Weekly heroics and night falls every week. They aren't easy but you get a nice reward. Playing PVP isn't easy as well considering it's player vs player and people are good. The rewards for PVP should be greater than they are right now especially since you need to play a bunch of it to level up fractions for gear, because face it Vanguard gear sucks, besides some weapons.
Feel free to let me know what you think of my ideas.
Yes, I honestly don't play as much crucible as I do strikes because it takes much much longer to earn the crucible marks.