I've been waiting to do it.Holla OooGeeE58
Need 2 for normal
Level 31 hunter up for vog
fresh run msg ZECCA55 for an for an invite
[quote]I've been waiting to do it.Holla OooGeeE58[/quote]Yeah I got a Fireteam for the VoG normal with 3 spots left 30+ Xbox one, msg me for invite: NinjaGoalieMG
Level 30 Hunter VOG Normal My gamertag is sQuiRR3LMasTah Message me or invite me to the game
Need three for fresh start VOG...experienced players please
Level 27 Hunter For VOG.
Level 26 Titan and 27 Warlock looking for normal VoG fresh run. GT: "MaxPRIME GT"
Lvl 30 hunter fresh Vog GT same
Count me in... level 25 Titan
Level 27 hunter. Got to end before on VOG but other players dropped out. Looking to join a team if possible even if your half way through give me a shout gt. dazzahype1234
Got 2 lvl 32 looking for Templar cp
31 titan looking to play full run
Lvl 32 looking for Templar cp
looking to do weekly nightfall or anything really. My friends are all too broke for an Xbox one. I beat daily 30s on my own. Usually top 3 in crucible.. Level 30 hunter. Hit me up. DTR 023
lvl 27 titan and lvl 31 titan looking for fresh start to vog on normal GT THE CHESTINAT0R (0 is zero)
Lvl 31 warlock with mic FaultiestCard1
Looking for 2 more to do fresh start gt is as above
i have just added you for xbox will be online daily from 7pm gmt to do any missions inc VOG etc etc
Edited by B1ACKS0Nv2: 12/30/2014 12:06:21 PMI have 4 people all level 30 and up
Looking to complete VOG for first time, got to Templar before with friends but they all dropped out. Read the guides, know what to do. I have 2 lvl. 31 Titans and a lvl. 31 Warlock. Willing to raid multiple times for those with multiple characters. Add AurorasSolace for xbox one. PS, have mic too.
lvl 31 hunter looking for atheon cp on hard message mistify df
Lvl 31 hunter looking for fresh run message invite donnyallen
Level 31 Warlock message me for fresh run Gamertag as above
LFG CROTA lvl 31 msg WuHaney exp players only xb1