I've been waiting to do it.Holla OooGeeE58
LFG CROTA lvl 31 msg WuHaney exp players only xb1
Need 4 for fresh raid send msg to smily striker
LFG CROTA lvl 31 msg WuHaney exp players only
[quote]Level 30 warlock/Xbox one/ need 5 for the normal VOG raid. Prefer 29 and higher. Join jrisaacs game tag. First five to join plays.[/quote]
Need 2 people for vault of glass send gamertag shibby52 a message if you are down level 30 preferably
Lvl 29 titan gt same as username
Need 3 for vog end checkpoint
Edited by A PlayDoh Tree: 12/30/2014 7:48:02 AMAetheon check point. Need 4. Gt same as username
Need one player. On Atheon. Send me message for invite. GT same as above
Started a new topic: Looking for 4 people to do VoG Fresh start(4 Replies))
Experienced Warlock 27 LF Atheon CP. GT same.
Level 27 GT same as above looking from start
31 hunter, inv gt above
Edited by Reneesme26: 12/30/2014 6:20:48 AM2 level 31s looking for atheon on hard, have cp for the part right before it.
I have 3 people need 3 more at the gatekeeper part message me gt:chuckyjr03
Gt is omnijuiced 28 warlock, I'll be up for a while if anyone's needs help, no mic but I know what to do
Level 30 titan looking to do the raid on hard.
Two 31s looking to do fresh normal VoG speed run. Must have experience and be level 29 or higher. Message shockraider1 ON XBOX LIVE for invite
Anyone have atheon cp on normal im a level 31
Level 30 warlock I'm down to complete on normal or just beat the last boss because that's all I need I have the checkpoint to, gamers tag Dirtymudshark send me a invite or message
Level 27 Titan down to play Invite - shhh pipedown
lvl 31 Titan Looking to join a fresh raid GT: zbot13
We need 2 more for vog. Hurry and join. Gamer tag djmarkyymarkk
Need 3 for fresh VOG Normal GT: GigaMosher.
lvl 30 hunter with atheon checkpoint need 4 more people