I've been waiting to do it.Holla OooGeeE58
lvl 30 hunter with atheon checkpoint need 4 more people
Edited by PIZZA: 12/30/2014 4:32:36 AMI have fourpeople looking for two other people or the normal raid on venus updated
Lvl 30 Titan looking to join group for VoG normal. Maxed epilogue, weapons of light. GT: USFD JSUM
We have 5 players, a lvl 28, 29 30 and two lvl 31s at the end of the raid. Need one more player. Message sereggor
Team of 3 looking for 3 more. Experienced players. Message me for invite. GT same as above.
Looking for vog normal, invite me. Lvl 28 hunter.
Lvl 25 titan Vog normal have experience gt same
need 3 for gate keeper template.
Another VOG virgin here, looking for a regular raiding group. Level 31 Hunter (yes, you read that right). XBox One GT Silas Err. Normal play hours are 08:00 - 14:00 Central US.
31 hunter very experienced just bored as hell and need something to do invite DementedW4rrior
lv 30 hunter, looking for fresh start or wherever! i have plenty of experience and a mic. GT Vex Trio
Edited by orangepenguin17: 12/30/2014 2:58:45 AMNeed a group. Level 31 hunter Gt orangepenguin17
Looking for group. Lvl 28 hunter. No experience but I trys. Invite me.
Looking for nomal VOG GT I GipsyBoy I xboxe one
Need 4 more for fresh normal start. Gt Evilk0a1a
Lvl 26 warlock VOG have Atheon checkpoint but will start where ever. Invite
[quote]I've been waiting to do it.Holla OooGeeE58[/quote] Looking to do VoG normal. Lvl 31 titan inv gt Reaper2393
Lvl 31 hunter, vog fresh start
Need 3 more msg rapidfanatic338 for inv
Level 31 warlock & a friend that is a 31 hunter, looking for someone who has aetheon cp message me as NtH Johnrodist2
Invite gt same as above
31 hunter & 30 hunter fresh start gt is name
Need 2 for atheon normal gt dirk1diggler69
Level 27+ vog need 2 more people gt RBG Jr
Looking for a vog team. Message THC PR00F. those are zeroes I believe. Lvl 31 hunter
looking for two more for hard VOG must have mic, gt same as above msg me for invite