Hey guys so I have some news.. It's a little gross so if you get grossed out by the body and blood, don't click the spoiler. It's pretty gross. I don't know the science terms for these words so sorry if it gets to much. Brace yourself...
[spoiler]death. It's something everyone fears. Even the "fearless". Today I found out I might die. I haven't told anyone yet. So starting yesterday, when I go #2 in the bathroom, there has been a lot of blood mixed with diarrhea. I got pretty concerned so I googled it. What I found was depressing. There were many different things that this could be (blood in my stool). Most of what it said was that it could be a range from stomach cuts to cuts in your digestive system to just a little cut near your butt hole. The one that got me very nervous was one that said there could be a cut internally in your digestive system that could turn into cancer... I could have cancer.. As soon as I read this I immediately started balling my eyes out. If I have cancer, I would be devastated. I don't want my family and friends to have to go through that! I don't know what I would do. I decided I would wait to see what happens by Wednesday. If it is a little cut, it should heal by then. The worst part about this whole thing is that I'm only 13!! I have my whole life ahead of me! I want to go to high school and college and have a good job and have a loving wife and kids and a nice house! But I would never get to do that at my age.. Please oh please keep me in your prayers and think happy thoughts for me. I would really appreciate it. Thank you so much for reading this. <3 [/spoiler]
Tl;dr- can't shorten it. Man up and read it.
Edit- thanks for all the support! I guess I was over exaggerating a little haha
I suggest getting your parents to set up a doctors appointment for you to talk to a professional about this. No one on here can actually really physically help you besides giving advice and other useful info. Best least it to the people who get paid to do it as they do it right.