Some people on this forum don`t have a clue that all their "confessions" run into a database that can be queried with a simple SQL-Statement.
They honestly think Deej has to read everyone of your lame excuses why you glitched Crota and report in person to the CEO of Bungie but not before consulting a comittee of Activision Attorneys before they ban their account.
Now tell me again, xx_CrotaGlitchboy1337_xx how you did it legit and only cheesed because reasons.
Speaking of... I found a infinite acolyte spawn, meaning literally watching them pop 5 feet away, 4 of them every few seconds or so, been here last half hour only cuz I got my first purple engram drop today and took it as a sign, I hate camping for gear but I'm mostly pve anyway, solo, hate me for wanting decent crap still farming. Private msgs accepted from non whiny ppl only if u care. FYI. Farming sucks but I could use leg guns too.