hey guys, so when destiny came out I got the standard for 360 and the ghost edition for xbox one but I didn't have an xbox one at the time and I just got one this morning at the same time I got smashbros for the wii u at midnight, I got my xbox one set up and everything, and before when I got both destinys of coarse I opened them up right away, and I entered the codes on 360 to see if they worked, but only the pre order codes worked from game stop, since the colleters ghost edition is for the xbox one, I was assuming that it would work since its digital content for the same game on the same account, as I was saying I have everything set up now but I do have friends on 360 that I want to play with still as well but things that I was able to download on the xbox one, in my inventory like the ghost and the sparrow and the ship and emblem are locked on the 360, and are unseen, even if theyre equipped, so id have the ghost skin and itd be locked but equipped, and if I pull out my ghost, its still white, and in orbit with the ship the same thing, its an invisible ship
my question is, how do I get this fixed/addressed? because I don't want to have to buy the expansion pass and collectors editions again for the 360, id be wasting my money
Bump. Similar issue. I started on the 360. Got XBone for Xmas and physical game. Purchased the Expansion Pass on One, before I saw the notice about 360->One free upgrade until Jan 15th. Now, I have Expansion Pass on One, but when I log into 360, Dark Below content is locked. But I have the Bounty for the next mission in inventory. Is there a redemption code available to unlock the Expansion Pass on the 360 under the same Microsoft Account? #Help , #Xbox , #Xbox_One , #Xbox_360 , #ExpansionPass , #Expansion_Pass