Bet you can't. You can't prove that you're really you.
Stop using the argument "I think, therefore I am." argument. It does not present facts.
1000 posts and still no proof. C'mon Flood!
Stop asking me to prove [i]my[/i] existence. That's not the point of this thread.
I know that there are actual theories and beliefs that we are all(or, more correctly, one or a handful of us) just an intelligence and everything else is a projection in a dream state. This argument that I have used in no way represents my views or beliefs.
I don't do drugs. I are drugs
I'm that figment of your imagination that trolls your subconscious. Bleach is my one weakness.
What if life is a dream and no-one exists?
The only way to prove that I am myself is that I can perceive what my mind thinks is reality by pain. I don't think therefore I am because words come before thoughts than thoughts coming before words. I am able to make sense of my own perception by simply inducing pain on myself with a knife, and I can make a base observation that I am in pain, therefore I am. Truly, this post could be a false-reality. I could be in a dream where I can't control anything and everything that is generated is random because of my past experience - assuming my past experience consisted of what in perceiving now. This forum post could be a randomly generated idea that my mind created. The motivation of this does not show that I exist but rather that you don't exist... Or anyone and anything for that matter. I could simply be the universe, a god playing who he is not. Do I have the power to control others? Therefore am I perceiving other's reality? No. The only conclusion that could be made is that everything is myself because you are me, I am created and I create my own universe. After I die in this false-reality universe I can spawn as a girl next time, or an alien in another planet, or a universe where physics is not able to be proven. Everything is me.
Can't. The only evidence for my existence is you reading this, and this is only in your mind, so I am in your mind. But I think I exist, do you think I exist? Do you believe your own mind, when it tells you I exist? Or are you dreaming as you read this? I am as real as your dreams. Do the things in dreams exist?
I put you into this world son, don't make me take you out.
I'm the person typing this.
Edited by IamFrogerdawger: 1/9/2015 1:20:10 AMPretty sure it's impossible that we can prove our existence unless we meet you in person cause you can just say I'm hallucinating and these words I'm reading are fake
You can't. To prove something you have to be able to do it over and over again without fail. Physically (not religiously) we can't be born again. Try climbing back inside there and tell me if you are able to be born a second time.
Sound is vibration, transmitted to our senses through the mechanism of the ear, and recognized as sound only at our nerve centers. The falling of the tree or any other disturbance will produce vibration of the air. If there be no ears to hear, there will be no sound.
Well If i didn't exist does that mean you asking this question is a just hallucination to me? Obviously not if you're concious and reading this. So we must exist and if you say no then that means you don't exist either, since this would be my hallucination.
Xboxdotxom's new alt.
Well other people think I exist.. Sooo..
I am shitting right now only humans can shit
Well, I believe that because we have the ability to think, either by free will or not, then we have to exist. Even if we are in a "Matrix" setting or if we are all a figment of someone else's imagination, we exist in some form nonetheless. Maybe just not in the reality we perceive.
I don't exist . Exists doesn't exist either
Edited by luke4dead: 1/9/2015 12:00:44 AMMaybe, maybe not. Only time will tell... [spoiler]That got really deep, really quick.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Also, firm nipples.[/spoiler]
Do I exist.
i tihnk defor i am!!1!11
We cannot prove that something does not exist or at least we can push certain things into the 'concept' or 'fiction' domain. Anything outside of those must exist. To you, a person on the other side of the lmao pipes - I may be a concept or some AI. You can test me. With well chosen tests, you can conclude that I am either a man-made construct or an actual being like yourself. For this to work however, you have to believe that YOU exist.
Do I exist?
I got so drunk a few months back to the point where I was questioning reality. I honestly didn't know if I existed, if the people I was talking to were even the people I thought I was talking to, or if I was where I even thought I was. It was terrifying to be honest, but I do have a little insight into this whole self-aware stuff now. Basically, if it's there just assume it's there, even if it's not. And if it is but it's not, act like the person standing next to you so you don't seem crazy, even if he's not there. This is how I got through that night lol.
I'm here!
Edited by Jxy: 1/8/2015 4:37:53 PMI'd say I exist because I fûcking want t cûnt alright?[spoiler]im kidding chilll[/spoiler]