From what I see in the game and from topics posted around the Forums, the main issue that everyone has is the inexorable grind.
I come from a long, long history of MMO's and RPG's. I have a deep understanding and appreciation for grinding for crafting mats and grinding strikes/raids/instances for that one specific piece of armor/weaponry. But what Bungie has done in Destiny is just mind-boggling, they've made the grind the core concept of the game.
Before 'The Dark below', there was precious little to do in this game. Repeat the same twelve bounties, run the same strikes, complete the VoG for the *insert number here* time, nightfall, weekly heroic, daily story mission... when typed in a Forum post, that seems like quite a bit to do; but in practice while actually playing the game, it's not a lot and all of it can be easily knocked out in an hour or two.
So we settled in for the grind, leaning on the promises ActiBungie leveled at us through DeeJ that the first expansion would give us what we wanted.
Very simply, they lied.
If 'The Dark Below' actually id anything, it made the grind doubly worse than it was before the DLC (because there is a laughably small amount of content, this is not an "expansion" as it added really nothing to the game). The DLC added new Light levels, made everything harder with the new levels while not adding to the rewards at all; which took the same grind we had before and added in huge amounts of frustration because in order to get the exact same rewards as before the DLC, you now had to deal with a frustratingly increasing difficulty. For no added benefit... There is a new vendor, sure; but then you place all of her items behind a wall of reputation gain, then gave her half the bounties that the original bounty vendor carries. this only doubles or triples the amount of time it takes to gain rep, thus exponentially increasing the grind for no other visible reason than to try to arbitrarily slow down player progress.
Bungie introduced new weapons. This is one of my bigger issue points with the DLC. Not only did you introduce new weapons, but at the same time you flat out took away the very option to get the older weapons. Why is this important? Because even though the new DLC weapons do more damage at base/max stats, the actual stats for all of the weapons are far, far worse than the original base-game weapons. A higher damage max does nothing to mitigate the crap-fest weapons when the stat/perk combinations make actually using the weapons a laughable concept. Those very same stat/perk combination make using the new weapons almost impossible, and they are far less effective than the older base-game weapons; but as I said, we don't even have the [i]option[/i] of purchasing the older and better weapons any more.
Why would you do this, ActiBungie? What did we do to piss you guys off so badly?
So, in order to deal with this we as players found ways to cut corners to get the maximum amount of materials/loot, for far less of a time expenditure (i.e. shorten the grind). But now we're getting punished yet again by ActiBungie because we're "not playing the way they intended". Is this just a sick intra-company joke that we were never let in on?
No wonder people cheese the Raids/Strikes/Loot Caves/etc. You've made the grind so horribly difficult and time consuming that it quite literally sucks the fun right out of the game. All of that effort for no greater rewards and weapons/armor that are worse than we had before? Why [i]wouldn't[/i] we find ways to shorten our punishment? You've really given us no other choice, Bungie.
Look; it's possible for people to love your game eventually, but you guys have to add in content. Not another lolDLC with three hours of new story and a Raid half as long as the original one. We're talking Skyrim/Dragon Age levels of DLC content. Those games gave us real expansions, and for the same amount as you guys are charging for a pathetic pittance of new content.
You know; actually listen to us, ActiBungie (I keep calling you guys this name because it's obvious that the Activision suits in your office have more input than the creative people on your development teams. The corporate business strategies are showing very clearly in the lack of quality/content in this game).
1) Give us full Legendary weapon Upgrade capabilities. This includes all Raid gear from all Raids and every and all Legendary weapons/armors. They are supposed to be Legendary, let us make them part of our Legends.
2) Bring back the original base game legendary weapons and armors, and allow us to upgrade them as mentioned in point one.
3) New content. Lots of new content. Planets would be nice, or being able to visit the Reef more than twice would be lovely. But you guys definitely need to add in 10-20+ hours of new story content. that's called player retention. I know that term is being thrown around your offices, maybe it's time to actually try retaining some players.
4) Loot tables. Really? you say the new Raid is 'smarter' with loot, but now it is even less consistent than the VoG was? That's a joke in itself.
5) More armor. Lots of more and different armors for all classes. Why? Right now, we all look the same. Aside from the minor variations in color offered by a small handful of shaders, we all look the same. How is this supposed to be me 'building my own Guardian/Legens when I'm a cookie-cutter clone of the guy standing next to me?
6) Get the Radiant crafting mats out from behind a level 4 rep wall. there's no reason that any grind should be that tedious.
7) Give us some sort of player housing. Even if it's just a small apartment in the tower, give us a space that's our own. Let us access and store our treasures in a vault accessed from our private quarters and vastly increase (at least double) the storage capacity. I hate having to pick between two great weapons or pieces of armor simply because I have no more room.
8) Could we do something more with our ships rather than just watch them bobble-head through orbit animations? Maybe? Please?
9) Going back to weapon/armor upgrading; how about something every other MMO and/or RPG in the world allows you to do, at least the free-roam games like you guys are trying to make succeed? [u][b]Weapon/Armor customization[/u][/b]. Let us use those crafting mats that are already in-game, along with some new ones added in to the drop tables for enemies/chests, that allow us to modify our weapons and armors with perks and stat allocations of our choosing. It would also give us an actual reason to visit the weaponsmith for more than just refilling on ammo consumables.
10) If you're going to make everything in the game more expensive, we need a Glimmer cap increase. At least up to fifty thousand.
11) Not least; how about some stable servers? It's an 'online only' game. This should be a no-brainer.
12) Please, please get rid of Crucible/vanguard Commendations. there is/was absolutely no reason to implement these new currencies, and they are (again) a thinly veiled method to do nothing more than slow player progress. Want players to tackle your content at a slower rate? Give them more content to work through. Quit programming in arbitrary roadblocks for no other reason than to impede our progress! it's ignorant and insulting to us as Gamers and paying customers!
These are just some suggestions that I have, and I've seen them touted by much more than one person around the Forums. Boot the Activision suits out of the planning, design, and implementation meetings and actually listen to us, Bungie.
So far, you guys have given us really nothing that we've asked for; and you've given us nothing that makes this game "great". Adding in features and content as I've described above would not only get people flooding back into the game, but it would also keep them playing for years upon years. It's been proven to work with other RPG's, Skyrim is still one of the most played games on PSN and LIVE. Bethesda is [i]still[/i] raking in the cash from Skyrim game sales and expansion sales.
More content and a higher degree of customization will always make a game sell, and will keep players coming back for more. It's been proven many times over.
Pitch that to your Activision overlords. They should be able to smell the money already.
Pitch this Idea around: [quote]So this was not my idea but i thought it was the coolest thing I have ever seen on these forums. It is and idea by JoshMdy So I think this could be a good DLC to bring a lot of lore and content into the game, this is just an idea I'm throwing out there... (General description first, then more details at the bottom.) This DLC could introduce a new enemy and also hostile wildlife on all planets. A new npc would show up in the tower. This would be a shady looking character dressed in unknown hunter gear, possibly a second agent of the nine. This person would have reputation and offer bounties to hunt down a certain number of the new hostile wildlife. This would start the quest line. As you progress and rank up the npc, they offer new class items to buy.(ie. a wolf pelt cloak for hunters, or a wolf pelt titan mark, or a wolf tail wrapped around the warlocks arm as a bond(sorry warlocks, your class item kinda sucks lol).) As you hunt more and more wildlife, you finally find an exotic item. A claw from a young Ahamkara lodged in a carcass. This sends the npc histerical as they thought Ahamkaras were indeed extinct, and tells you that if you can find one and kill one you will be greatly rewarded, but you will need a good team to take it down....thus the raid becomes unlocked. This would also bring in new public events. Like as you are patrolling a young Ahamkara swoops down and attacks and you must fight it off. Or some of the other new hostile wildlife goes berserk. Ahamkara Hunt (Raid) "Cryptarch legends say that in the days these beasts were hunted to extinction, Guardians found new strength after slaying them. Now there are rumors of sightings, and the strongest of Guardians are on the hunt to try and claim that power." This raid would take place on a new section of venus, (that's where the Ahamkara can be seen flying) and should be very difficult with the final boss being a large adult ahamkara (dragon for those that don't read the grimoires). If you want an idea on size, play "the wakening" mission and at crota's soul I believe there is an Ahamkara skeleton wrapped around that room. After you successfully slay the beast, you and your fireteam should unlock a new subclass which would be named the same for all classes but with different specs... Dragonslayer Titan Dragonslayer Solar powered "You have walked through the flames of the beast, and you embrace them." Super Knight of Flame Titan summons forth a blazing sword and shield of pure flames. The melee button would swing the sword, the shield would passively grant defense with an upgrade option to do a shield bash or charge when you hit RT/r2. Melee Dragon Fist Flame melee, if it hits as critical, the target is briefly blinded. Jump Thermal Rise Can be upgraded similar to Lift. Grenades Cleansing flame An aoe grenade that fills the air with fire doing dot to those it initially contacts. Blinding flames Similar to the flashbang but fire based and has a chance to highlight enemies for your allies. Dragons snare A grenade that can ensnare up to two enemies, restricting movement for 3 seconds. Hunter Dragonslayer Void damage "Beneath the shadow of its wings you fight the darkness." Super Shadow Shot Hunter summons a bow that fires an arrow of pure void energy, killing all in its path and leaving a damaging torrent in its wake. This arrow would over-penetrate everything until it hit a hard surface. For those that think this is weak, if used correctly you could essentially cut a crucible map in half with a shot, cutting off the other team. Melee Dark Blade standard the blade charges with void energy for the strike. Can be a throwing knife that pins enemies in place. Jump Void Leap Similar to the triple jump upgrade tier, but allows hunter to be harder to see and hit when jumping. Grenades Void blast A grenade that explodes with enough force to knock back enemies. Sticky grenade A standard void based grenade that sticks to enemies. Void Vortex A grenade that pulls enemies in, doing dot. Warlock Dragonslayer Arc damage "Those who see the lightning in the beasts eyes and live are forever marked." Super Lightning Strike You summon the power of the dragons domain. You raise your hand calling lightning from the sky that hits you and arcs to enemy players around you. Could be upgraded to have the lightning arch off of the enemies it hit to another enemy, increasing its range. Melee Static Strike Electricity arcs from your fingers, striking the enemy. If it hits as critical, briefly stuns them. Grenades Overcharge A grenade similar in looks and animation to the pulse grenade, but with every pulse it knocks out enemy shields and charges allies shields back up. Static Grenade This grenade detonates causing enemies to become static charged for a short time, doing damage to any of their allies they get near. Thunder Grenade When this grenade detonates it causes enemies to go deaf(pvp) or dissoriented (pve) for a short time. Since you get rewarded with a new subclass from this raid I saw no need for raid gear. However, after completing the raid, the npc would have new items for purchase in the form of "current level" dragon scale and dragon bone armor. The ahamkara armor pieces could be drops in the raid along with any new dragon themed weapons. Also, when using this class you would get +10 to intellect, discipline, and strength when a piece of ahamkara armor is worn. This dlc would also introduce an ahamkara armor piece for titans(perhaps a young ahamkara rib cage as a chest piece) that could only be attained through this raid, along with the existing ahamkara armors. Please let me know what you guys think and I'm open to suggestions, thanks for reading. Edit: Thanks for all the compliments and great ideas for tweaking this stuff guys![/quote]
Bungie wouldn't do that. It's too smart and practical
Bungie and Activision made so many promises with this game, and they have, so far, failed to deliver. Amazing story - Where?!?!? Unique Character custimizations - Where?!?!? A rich, lush environment to explore - Where?!?!? Instead we get repetitive bounties, missions, and weekly chorefests. And what do I hear now? Bungie is talking about Destiny 2.... [b]THEY HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED THIS ONE YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b] This is quickly devolving into a cash cow paradigm, and honestly once I get the damn raid done with anyone dying, I am through with this game.
Edited by kcharris12: 12/31/2014 8:37:48 PM1) Give us full Legendary weapon Upgrade capabilities. No idea what capabilities you are talking about. Something like patience and time activating immediately after scope? I think an emphasis on personality and power would be amazing 2) You ask them to bring them back but really the weapons just got mixed around and re-skinned. We should have access to more varied and balanced weaponry with themes for each source. 3) I think the content for destiny #1 has already been finished. The majority would be working on destiny 2 now with a minority working on destiny. Because destiny is different from an expanding mmo world right now. It'd be like world of warcraft getting a world of warcraft 2 instead of another expansion. With all of this criticism I'd expect destiny 2 to become the best game ever. 4) In order to balance out the rng there should be a system based on performance. This is very difficult because the skilled players cannot have any advantage over weaker players. The problem right now is that the lucky players are obtaining loot much easier than those who burn through characters every week to obtain specific items. There should be at least other ways of obtaining even the same version of a specific item. One of my favorite idea's is a challenge available on a larger bounty board for the vault of glass leading to a glass skinned version of the vex mythoclast that could involve finding all of the chests within the vog or something similar. That way the player doesn't get depressed after killing atheon for the 25th time with no vex...... Get creative! 5) more armor is right wth bungie.even warlocks like to look fashionable and unique. 6) Yeah those that earn too many shards of one type and like none of the other are going to have a hard time with the lvl 4 wall. It'd probably be easier to just fight crota more but the system is built to prevent that? 7) I disagree completely the apartment thing. Guardians are made of light. They don't need rest, they don't need food, the trophy system can be linked to the system that already exists, the vault. Glimmer does need a new cap. I wouldn't just double it though I'd make it 99,999 so that the player has room to save and buy enough to eventually need more. 8) Ship stuff sounds cool just so long as the devs dont need to sacrifice anything big to do it. 9) I think the weapons should be more unique especially if they're tailored for a theme. There should be flexability to work with and things dont have to be perfect. 10)You copied... Proofread if you want people to take you more seriously. (i don't :3) 11) I agree but things seem to be better... 12)having us grind to increase the time we spend playing is artificial. We can use that time to do other things. These can include upgrade materials, commendations, iron banner rank, eris rank, other ranks, bad rng, repetitive bounties, and overall repetitive tasks. It might not be so bad if we had more to do but right now there's not enough content to keep us satisfied through the effort. I also think it would be a good idea to separate the patrol map from most of the mission levels to keep patrol interesting, to remove the feeling of everything being to close, and to give each mission some flexibility and freshness that would be otherwise impossible. This would remove backtracking through some portions of levels but I didn't really like that to begin with.
I love you. I love this post.
I have a little theory that this game (destiny 1) is more of an experimental game to make destiny 2 as good as possible hence the ratings being around 6-8ish but this doesn't mean that destiny is a bad game even though it has low amounts of content my guess in destiny 2 were going to see a better story, a better pvp mode and more things to do post game but this all a guess
If they don't do something soon, they will lose all the rpg & mmo players in the coming months to Neverwinter, ESO, (when they finally decide to release it) and whatever mmorpgs PS4 has coming out.
I agree with you, and i think Destiny 2 will be what 1 should have been.
Edited by Recon SR2: 12/30/2014 6:46:55 PMThis is the most sensible post I have ever read on this forum. All of these improvements that you have suggested are exactly what most of us want. I don't want my Shadow Price to become outdated because of these new peashooter auto-rifles. (Seriously? Why? If I wanted to spray-and-pray, I'd go play Ghosts and pick up the Chain SAW.) Being able to buy the old weapons would be nice. I want the new players to experience the ass-kicking glory that weapons like Shadow Price provide. I myself would like to get my hands on The Devil You Know. And we absolutely need new armor and ways to get lower-level armor upgraded. Let players turn in those extra pieces of Crota's End gear and use the materials it gives you to upgrade other gear. Maybe you're fond of that VoG helmet for your Warlock? Dismantle that extra chestpiece you got from Crota, and use it to apply the light level to your old helmet. Boom. Suddenly, we have options. Wanna know what the next Iron Banner will be? A bunch of Guardians wearing Hive armor, with one exotic to distinguish them from the rest. (There won't even be different shaders, because everyone will have to use Iron Banner shaders for more reputation.) Come on, Bungie. Listen to guys like Vampire Nox. Make this game into what we all know it can be.
Edited by Beewaxers: 12/31/2014 4:41:31 AMNox bro, I love this, but you're so all over the place that it's difficult to discuss/debate any of it. Can we break it down into a more debatable topic?
Bump this shit. Bravo
Bump!! Please Deej, pass this on to the higher ups. This will only help your bottom line in the end. Guaranteed.
This. bump.
I agree with you the most part, but bungie isn't the reason there are so many problems with destiny. Activision is a dying company that want s to make as much money as possible. Bungie is making Halo guardians, but where is activisions new game? Bungie is the only reason destiny is what it was meant to be. Activision is bringing the game down. I have no problem with activision, but they HAVE to keep their fingers out of the game. Let bungie make the game, and activision can worry about the sales. Do that, and I'm sure the destiny series could be the next Halo.
Bump all day, it would be nice if DeeJ would post something like a we hear you post or we actually read your feedback.
I will say this now I love bungie they gave us halo my favourite game series but if the house of wolves doesn't pick up the peices left by the dark below I don't think I'll be able to justify sinking more time into this game, they have to fix the flaws in the game and add more content I expected at least 20 strikes from the core game and at least 5 from the DLC. I would love to see big changes to this game but I doubt the suits will listen or change much with the coming DLC's.
Edited by Fifthformula: 12/31/2014 8:37:54 PMThis is the feedback side of the Destiny Companion App right? I read through all the suggestions and was astonished with the Ideas and References. It was all amazing. What's bothering me is that this is the Feedback section of the Destiny Companion App, and yet where's the developers who are supposed to be here speaking with us and playing the game with us. To further improve this app I would suggest for Bungie to fund for group that focuses on interacting with the players of this forum, constantly asking questions on how to better improve and giving suggestions and taking notes. This would allow the players to feel listened to. The second step is to stay updated and update the game as it grows. This would serve a new purpose to the Companion App. For example: Player: We should be able to travel across earth and see how the darkness changed other parts of the world. We should be able to find some villages that we have to protect and that if we don't it gets destroyed and we forever ever see the destruction of the village as we traverse through the land! Developer: That sounds like an interesting idea. We have some things up our sleeves for being able to go to different parts of earth. Tell us what you think the player should find in these villages? Where would you find these villages? Player: London? New York? Japan? Canada? South America? NPC who live off the land and defend themselves with Guardians gone rogue or Guardians who lost their ghosts. Maybe even New Monarchy aiding the villages! Maybe we could find legendary armor forged in darkness.. Or next gen tribal weapons! Developer: We could find a new Fallen house who's looking to conquer these villages! Or Cabal who landed on earth and you as the guardian has to fight them off and ensure they do not make earth their new home! Player: That's awesome! And even a new found species who aid in restoring the traveller! Developer: Got it! All ready on it, we'll see what we can do. And there we go! Ensured delivery, and a possible outcome.