I used to come here everyday and see what people are saying. But lately I just don't even want to come here anymore. There are just so many entitled people complaining about silly things. Even in the posts that are positive the people here are just rude and say stupid things. Don't get me wrong, there are some great posts here, but they are just being drowned out by all the childish negativity around here. I guess I'll be sticking with Reddit for now.
Usually every topic is someone crying about not having a certain weapon/armor What weapon should be nerfed usually because they got owned by it or can't seem to get one They demand that xur sells them some of the best weapons in game Demand that raids/weeklies give them what they want and not the RANDOM loot that it says it will give them Cry about how much they hate destiny but yet still play and post on forums Complain about not getting good raid stuff after cheesing the entire raid and saying they are entitled to everything good! Complain that they didn't get the vex after the 2nd time running VOG on hard. Cry cry cry .... That's all that's on hear. Little crybabies who have never been told NO and only know how to throw a tantrum when they don't get what they want.