I solved my Destiny problem. I left. Wanted manual space flight for Destiny. We all saw it was possible with Reach. Nope not going to happen.
So Elite Dangerous, Eve Valkyrie, Star Citizen, and No Man's Sky will fill that niche just fine.
I like your spirit in this post, Nox. But there's no fixing this listing turd till Diarrhea 2.
I understand, Dez. I recently picked up Dragon Age: Inquisition and I'm loving it. Closest thing to an Elder Scrolls that we have right now. I also started playing Skyrim again. I almost forgot how much fun a game packed with content can be. lol I know they most likely will implement none of this, but if they want many people to buy Density: the Deuce, they'll need to start putting stuff like this into the game. As of right now, I'm not buying the sequel.