You can pick between normal patrol, or a new version where all guardians can attack each other. World PVP.
Every 10 Guardian kills will give you a crucible mark, not efficient, but incentive.
Also, every planet material (Spinmetal, etc) give 3 per harvest rather than 1 or 2.
Lastly, the person who contributes the most to a public event receives 4 crucible marks on top of the usual vanguard rewards. They can track this, they track the progression of public events already.
Thoughts? World PVP in MMO's has always been an incredibly fun way to shake things up. There are no cities to camp on these planets, so it wouldn't ruin anyone's productivity in a serious way.
ALSO, people in the PVP patrol mode can only see people that signed up for that same mode. No camping the Sword
of Crota, the Archives, the Exclusion Zoom, or the path to Sepiks.
Bump, please add your input!