>implying I want to be anything like that idiot >stalking me all over the forums >is pathetic
I wasnt implying but ok... Whatever...? [quote]is pathetic[/quote] Coming from a guy that spams stupid pics is pretty ironic
You just Fūcked up so bad it's sad. You just told me that it was pathetic of me to spam pictures in a thread, yet you go around spamming your dumbass green heart and black heart picture like anyone cares about them... You truly are stupid, at first I thought you were kidding, now I know you're simply stupid.
U wot m8? U fink i giv a fuk about wut u fink? Dumb bitch
You are completely retarded.
Nah m80, you fail to understand that people act differently online it seems... You are probably some geeky nerd that faps to porn
[quote]geeky nerd[/quote] Yeah, you're done.. And for the record, not even close to how i act in real life. I play it backwards. I'm cool and calm to most people on the internet, mean most of the time in reality. But since we can throw around assumptions like monkeys and their shit, I'd assume you're a nobody in real life and you seek attention on he internet for compensation.
It seems we are both wrong in our assumptions, a shame really. Ah well, even if you still hold a grudge against me, i will forget about this conversation.
Doubt you will. I will post somewhere else and you'll most likely be there to say something completely stupid.
It will be stupid, i promise you, but this conversation wont be brought up
Good. It'll only remind me how stupid you are.
Regret Reborn: Making people happy since 2014