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12/31/2014 4:06:28 PM
Good post! I can definitely agree with on the whole. A few points of my own: First point: Combine points 7 and 8; our ships can be our "home" and we should be able to store things in our ship, instead of going back to the tower to access our vault, we should be able to get to in in our ship via orbit. Then could even make the ships have interior space to walk around in a bit, just a few rooms or whatever. The better "ships" aka, the legendary ones we get from the raid could have more storage space and an extra room for whatever (insert a modicum of creativity here..) (Think KOTOR). Second point: While were on it, think of KOTOR. That is a perfect blueprint for what this game could have and should have been more like. Each planet has a town or hub NPC area, your ship is a home base, you have weapons that are upgrade-able with a wide degree of customization options, not just do you want more or less recoil or a red dot sight or a blue one... In fact, the upgrade choices for guns are virtually meaningless, most make such a small impact on how the gun functions, it doesn't really matter which one you pick (for the first / second slots, CQB vs Smooth vs Aggressive ballistics are virtually identical in choice). Allowing an attachment or two to be selected by the player and installed on legendary and higher guns would be a nice fix. For example, there could be an exotic rarity crystal that could change a weapon to void damage, or add void damage to a gun (or arc or solar) so you can change the damage type if you want. A special ammo types should be an add on, not a perk, you should be able to select what you want (if you have bought it or crafted it ect), not be stuck with what the gun comes with, this would add a new level of player customization. Third point: Allow armor shaders to be applied to each piece of armor, or allow colors to be mixed and matched. Also allow shaders to be applied to guns and ships and sparrows. Why wouldn't you? Allow players to have greater control over their appearance, otherwise we all do just look the same. Fourth point: More variety and type of class items, each class has 1... Make a second or third type, allow more visual customization, and make some of them better quality items have an actual effect. Armor bonus, agility bonus, recharge bonus, arc resistance, void resistance, ect... Make it a game play choice, not just a cosmetic option. For balance sake, it you could offer trade offs, add recovery at the expense of armor, or mobility, add arc resistance in exchange for void resistance. That way players would be able to make strategic choices on what they needed for a given mission. Going up against the vex? Add void resistance in exchange for arc to stave off the praetorians, but the player doesn't gain an overwhelming net advantage, just a trade-off. Fifth point: Robotic companions? Why not... they could be set to menial tasks of gathering resources or guard duty or accompanying you into solo missions... Even if they just sit on your ship and sweep the floors and say hello to you when you come home from a hard raid... its something interesting. I have a suspicion that something like this was originally intend to be in the game based on the cantina area in the tower... There is a vendor booth with a bunch of robot frames piled up on it, and a person behind it working on them, but no vendor, and then there is another vendor style booth which is empty... In fact this whole area of the tower is completely useless, the only completely useless area... But it is a pretty big area and is pretty empty, it looks like something definitely was supposed to be there originally but got taken out. Last point: Do something, even if it isn't any of these suggestions, for god sake, do anything. I like the game, but it's getting stale quickly and want it to be saved. Please, Please, do something to make this game more complete.

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