originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
I have three 31's but no friends that play video games. Need some help gt MKGlegit xbox one or 360
If you're east coast US or in some time zone thereabouts, I'd be happy to help. My GT is shubnub and I'm on the XBOne. Feel free to friend/invite me. I'm looking for some folks to at least NF with, if not raid.
Hello fellow guardian what time zone are you in? Im from the uk but i do roll with a couple of guys from the US when i can :)
Where are you from?
Head over to dadsofdestiny.net, sign up there and then take advantage of the Dad-a-base and LFG to find other dads to run with, also joining a clan is a great way to find fireteams to run with...use clan connection on the DoD website to find a clan for your system...I'm PS4 don't know the names of any clans for Xbox but I know there are several out there.