Yesterday I beat crota on all 3 characters and got a single pair of boots and the rest was shards and energy across all nine drops and six chests, Not terrible since I need shards to get to 32 but still a little disappointing. So after 25-30 plus hard atheon kills and still no vex I decided to try to get it today. I beat atheon three times today and got 6 ascendant shards and the sparrow all 3 times. The exact same shitty drop 3 times in a row. this was after I was already pissed after I ran the nightfall and got 11 shards twice in a row. I can't bring myself to run it a third time. I had 180 shards in my vault before any of this and have no use for shards. I'm am thoroughly disgusted with destiny today I think rng finally broke my spirit. Ive played destiny every day since launch but I'm going to have to take a break.
Edited by Whatbroke: 1/1/2015 3:43:35 AMI have 250+ ascendant shards and energies yet I got 9 ascendant energies from both nightfalls this week. I have received boost already from the crota raid, yet I had the exact same drops as you. The new boots I got had pure strength, same as my previous pair, just a lower value. After my wife had a blue primary turn into the saterinne rapier crucible scout rifle which I worked my ass off to get the crucible marks for even though I hate pvp in destiny...which has the same op perks as the vendor's and the fatebringer, just with a larger clip... I decided to go back to pc games.
Hopefully when house of wolves comes out they'll become relevant again