Since it is the end of 2014, I thought it might be fun to take a poll and find out what types of gamers are still playing Destiny (Hardcore, Standard, Casual, or Last Gen)
Poll FAQ:
"Why did you define Hardcore, Standard, etc?"
Because without a clear definition, people could call themselves whatever they want. Since I know how gamers are and I know that many of them believe they are hardcore and everyone else is not, I decided to go with what is probably the most objective way of determining Hardcore, Casual, etc. By setting an objective requirement (console ownership) it should make people less likely to mischaracterize themselves as Hardcore or Standard simply because they see themselves that way. If you think you have a better criteria, I would like to hear it, but any other criteria is probably going to be affected by a self reporting bias and therefore it would be less accurate.
"Why didn't you include PC or handhelds?" I did not include PC or handheld games in the poll for the following 3 reasons:
1. Destiny is currently a console only game so I am asking a question about consoles.
2. Pretty much everyone who owns a console also owns a computer and plays at least some game on it, even if it is Solitaire or Minesweeper.
3. It is really irrelevant because it is already a strong correlation. If you own all 3 consoles then I would be very surprised if you didn't own a 3DS, Vita, and play games on PC. Conversely, if you don't play enough games to own a current gen console, then you probably don't own any handhelds either. Of course theres exceptions to everything but this poll can't have a million options.
"I can't afford system Y but I am still hardcore, why isn't there an option for me". No, you think you are hardcore, but you are not. Hardcore gamers find a way.
"I don't want console Y because I think it sucks". Thats fine - of [i]course[/i] everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You can think something sucks. But [i]objectively speaking[/i] you are not a hardcore gamer.
"I only play console Y or game Y and I am a hardcore gamer". No. You can consider yourself a hardcore console Y gamer or a hardcore game Y gamer, but you are not a hardcore gamer.
[i]Console Wars are fought by [b]and only affect[/b] casual gamers.[/i]
Edit: people seem to take issue with the whole console ownership being used to determine what type of gamer they are, however if you look at the poll results, you can see that it follows exactly what we would expect if we were looking at this on somewhat of a bell curve. The outer extremes (Hardcore and Last Gen) are lower %'s and the more common choices are, as we would expect, the Casual and Standard gamers. [i]Most Gamers are Casual even if they think they are Hardcore[/i]. Would you really expect Hardcore to be the highest category?
[b][i]Hardcore is the smallest %, followed by Last Gen, followed by Standard, and Casual makes up the majority.[/i][/b]
For those of you that commented that you wanted a nerfed version of the same poll (i guess so that you can just call yourself whatever you want...). I have added that poll here:
Nice thread. A reason I do not own an Xbox one is because almost any good game on Xbox is also on pc or ps4. Ps4 is a tad more powerful and was cheaper at launch. It also has nice exclusives and Destiny so I own one. Wii U is a must for Nintendo titles alone. PC gaming is an entirely different animal and expense level.