What weapon do y'all want Xür to sell this weekend? I want him to sell Icebreaker, because somehow I haven't obtained it yet.
- Brocky
Helm of Saint 14 for the Titan Gauntlets or chest for hunters lol I have all the helms Obsidian mind for the warlock Weapon wise, either dragons breath, red death or suros regime which the only exotic weapons I'm missing alongside the 4th horseman ps exclusive shotgun An engram and heavy ammo synth would be nice too
I dont want anything that way i wont get disapointed.
Still longing for ice breaker or ghorn. I also would like to see engrams for the mote of light.
A HELMET ENGRAM. I just got enough motes for one and I dont want one of the speakers cloaks either.
Only thing I really hope for is the icebreaker upgrade!!
Chest engram
Hard light !
I'm hoping for hard light or dragons breath and I would also like the obsidian mind
He will never sell icebreaker or gjallahorn again. Every guardian with one would break the game.
Upgrade for the skull of Ahamkara
I just hope he sells heavy ammo packs.. Gonna buy 100. For weapons; something i dont have.. Ghorn. Red death. Armor; ruin wing because im to slow lol
During this week's Nightfall, I was teamed up with some randoms from LFG. I was popping Omni with Ice Breaker, and this guy kept saying how jealous he was and has terrible luck. Well you can probably guess that he got it at the end, and it was the coolest thing to hear him get sooo excited. I swear, it sounded like he was on the verge of becoming emotional.
Finally got Ghorn in the NF so all I care about now is Red death. Give it to me. Also sell obsidian mind or ruin wings.
Gjhallarhorn, Thunderlord or Dragon's Breath. These are the only Exotic weapons I am missing in my collection. I will be content if sold one of the three.
Because all exotics are pretty useless in this game the only ones that matter are ice breaker and g horn very poor game design
Nothing good so why bother? Bungie has already proven that they only listen to the PVP crybabies. Remember when we got Last Word, MMT, and Plan C for weeks....that was why.
Well, I hope that he sells Hardlight. If not, then Dragon's Breath will do.
Pls be suros... Pls...
Suros and an exotic titan helm so I can get to lvl 32 after I get shards
We all know it'll be P&T or Truth wouldn't get hopes up for anything else
Hopefully IB or Gjallahorn. Our raiders need it.
Suros & Glasshouse