What weapon do y'all want Xür to sell this weekend? I want him to sell Icebreaker, because somehow I haven't obtained it yet.
- Brocky
Suros & Glasshouse
Duh icebreaker or Ghallajorn
1.Gallahorn 2. Helm of Saint 14 3. Obsidion mind
Starfire protocol please ._.
I need A Mida
A warlock body besides vestments would be good
Really wish it was hawkmoon
Icebreaker or gjallarhorn
Edited by Karandras75: 1/1/2015 2:14:10 PMIce breaker, hard light or Suros regime
Edited by Volgarath: 1/1/2015 2:08:34 PMICE BREAKER or BLACK HAMMER I can't seem to get an Ice Breaker no matter how many raids missions or Bounties I do.
Gjallarhorn would be nice been. [spoiler]I know it's not gonna happen[/spoiler]
Thorn upgrade because i missed it, red death, horn, Suros,
Thunderlord Hawkmoon 4th horseman Dragons breath ... Only exotics I don't have
Something he hasn't sold yet besides ghorn since I have 2...I hope it's not icebreaker again since he sold it twice
Bad Juju upgrade Can't be bothered doing the bounty again
Any Primary Weapon.
Praxic Fire, Icebreaker, Gjallarhorn, SUROS.
Praxic fire or starfire protocol
Ghallahorn and light beyond nemesis
Edited by RejectedMind: 1/1/2015 2:02:48 PMI wouldn't mind Starfire Protocol or Heart of Praxic. I have yet to see those drop for me since day 1, but I'd be equally happy for a chest engram to roll the dice and level up my Craptarch. Weapon wise, it doesn't matter. G-horn would be nice so more people have it, even if I already do. The more the merrier I'd say. Personally I'd love it if he started selling weapon engrams.
Obsidian Mind or Starfire Protocol is all I want.....
Weapon wise, I would settle for just about any primary weapon that isn't a pulse rifle. I would be ecstatic if I could grab an icebreaker, the last word or regime. Armour wise, I'd like the lucky raspberry, knucklehead or don't touch me.
I really just want the Helm of saint 14 right now.
Ats/8 arachnid or don't touch me