What weapon do y'all want Xür to sell this weekend? I want him to sell Icebreaker, because somehow I haven't obtained it yet.
- Brocky
Icebreaker. My second dropped for me a couple of days ago then it dropped for my friend the day after
Edited by Queeg 500: 1/1/2015 8:33:22 AM1st of February is a Sunday. Edit: I know Americans do it the backwards way.
I hope he sells Gjallarhorn.
Red death....just got one today. It seems everyone I get a new gun I don't have Zur sells it the next week. Not complaining though!
something absolute garbage that absolutely no one wants or needs. either that or gjallarhorn.
Mate I live for the pulse rifle telemetry
Suros regime!
Te goddam ghorn
I want The Truth, best bazooka ever!! BUMP this post if you agree with me!! [spoiler]Irony[/spoiler]
I'm almost 100% sure that ghorn will be sold tomorrow, only because RNGesus has been giving it away to everyone including me! I got 1 from chest, engram and nightfall this week along now I have 5...
Icebreaker and obsidian mind helm
Ice breaker or gjallahorn and I'm a happy camper
Still looking to get my hands on [b]Hard Light[/b] and [b]Skull of Dire AhamKara[/b] for my Warlock. I also want [b]Mk. 44 Stand Asides[/b] for my Titan.
As a PVE player is like Gjallahorn but anything that makes my clan mates stronger would be good
I think I'm in the top 5% in terms of pure underserved favouritism from rngesus. I have only about 170 hours played but I have hawkmoon, Ghorn, multiple icebreakers, vex mytho, and a lot of other exotics. I swear I don't perform sexual favours for rngesus In exchange for the best drops
i have every pre-dlc raid and exotic weapon except Gjallihorn and Hawk Moon either would be nice if xur sales it but im mostly hoping for Gjallihorn. MAKE IT HAPPEN BUNGIE
Red Death
Ice breaker (have it) Ghorn (snowflakes desperately hope not I know) Red death (pulse rifle love) Bad juju upgrade.
Gjallarhorn.. I guess
1st-Gjallihorn(i'd like to take out bosses and "Part of the team." 2nd-Ice Breaker(so I missed it from Xur the first time through, plz RNG bless me with another go). 3rd-Helm of Saint 14th.
Hmmmm... Red death.
[quote]What weapon do y'all want Xür to sell this weekend? I want him to sell Icebreaker, because somehow I haven't obtained it yet. - Brocky[/quote] Exotic helm warlock please
Anything new from the dlc..i got all of the other shitt...needs the new new
red death, ice breaker or gjallahorn Leg engram New hunter gauntlets Vex upgrade
Me and 2 friends all got Gjallahorn from nightfall this week so think it could be a sign!