What weapon do y'all want Xür to sell this weekend? I want him to sell Icebreaker, because somehow I haven't obtained it yet.
- Brocky
Ice Breaker. I regret not buying it the first week I've seen Xur. Didn't know it was that good.
Red Death Monte Carlo
Well ive seen 13 ghorns drop and not 1 for me.. its the only exotic weapon i want and has evaded me so far. But he wont sell it.. this game hates me.
Hard light, Ice breaker or Ghorny, I had 1926 strange coins, I dnt care how many money i had to loose, but I need those...
Obsidian Mind and Multi-tool
Ghorn, for the very last time so everyone will stop crying.
Heart. Of the Mutha-blam!-ing Praxis Fire
Red Death, Hard Light, Dragons Breathe, or Ghorn
Multi-Tool Insurmountable Skullfort Sunbreakers and Don't Touch Me (The Hunter Gloves) Also, a Chest piece exotic engram.
Seems like everyone wants Icebreaker or Gjallarhorn. It would be great if at least 1 of those are sold. Although a Suros would be good C:
Voidfang vestments or sun breakers :D
It's been confirmed that he's selling Crota's sword. I came from the future just to let everyone know this 8 hours early. P.S. Buy Myspace stock, it's coming back.
Gjallahorn is coming. I guarantee it.
a hard light or Suros or a red death
Xur would make my day with Suros and an upgrade to Hard Light.
I love how people want to most op gun for not much effort like just grind raids and ROC strikes for it not hard
i need a new exotic armor
Heavy ammo synthesis.
suros, hard light, and/or red death
Husk of the pit lol
Exotic weapon en gram would actually be pretty awesome if yell think about it
He will sell a totally secret, non-disclosed exotic void damage sniper called "Hype and Disappointment". The special ability has a frustratingly high chance of shooting the user in the face, and promptly sending them to orbit. In all seriousness, I'd like to see Suros Regime or Gjallarhorn. I got Dragon's Breath and Ice Breaker 2 days ago, I would now like to round out the exotic collection.
I don't care bout the weapon I just want don't touch me gauntlets But a gjallorhorn would be nice ;)
Hard light
Ice breaker Exotic helmet engram