In order of length:
How is this not making sense to you? The day is way more important than the month. Also, it's in cronological order.
Edited by jsteelfex: 1/1/2015 4:31:51 PMWhy does it matter? You know, it's good that we (Americans) don't don't do everything the same as our European counterparts. For instance, if we fought wars the same as most of Europe, half of your continent would be speaking german right now. Also, when we list time, we do it by hour/minute/seconds, as in 5 hours, 45 minutes, 30 seconds. So why not do it year/month/day/hour/minute/seconds? Diversity is good. Peace brother, I'm out.
[quote]Why does it matter? You know, it's good that we (Americans) don't don't do everything the same as our European counterparts. For instance, if we fought wars the same as most of Europe, half of your continent would be speaking german right now.[/quote] Well you took your time didn't you though? Also, Sweden faired well anyways (cus we're double playing shitholes). [quote]Also, when we list time, we do it by hour/minute/seconds, as in 5 hours, 45 minutes, 30 seconds. So why not do it year/month/day/hour/minute/seconds?[/quote] Hour/minute/second makes sense. Year/month/day/hour/minute/second makes sense as well. HOWEVER. Month/day/year makes [b]no[/b] sense. [quote]Diversity is good. Peace brother, I'm out.[/quote] We'll end this discussion with an agreement I suppose. Cheers!
Because the logic as someone else pointed out, is how dates are written. You write it as January 2nd, 2015. So naturally it becomes 1/2/2015 in shorthand.
Edited by 传说中的 Ghost: 1/1/2015 9:04:52 AM[i]Smh[/i] That doesn't outweight the cronological and size order, because you can write it as [b]2nd of January 2015[/b]. So in a sense; grammar, logic, chronology are all against your way of writing dates. Being different for the sake of being different isn't always good. Your argument is invalid.
Edited by ShadowLordVegas: 1/1/2015 9:09:59 AMSo in Asia writing it 2015/2/1 is wrong too? Cause you're so special yours is right? Someone's just butthurt. You are invalid.
Nah, man, China are fine. YY/DD/MM makes more sense than MM/DD/YY. So no, my argument isn't invalid.
So they can be different but not anyone else? That is singling out and by doing that you make yourself still invalid.
And conforming because it's the thing to do and no other reason is better? Your argument is invalid.
So being special is more important than being able to be understood by- and in the rest of the world? Sounds odd to me, but atleast your consistent in something.
We aren't the only ones different so no.
You're the only ones different in a stupid way, so yeah.
So chronological makes it right? Not everything in life goes in order. Next excuse!