What weapon do y'all want Xür to sell this weekend? I want him to sell Icebreaker, because somehow I haven't obtained it yet.
- Brocky
[b]Weapon:[/b] Hard Light [b]Armour:[/b] Apotheosis Veil or Starfire Protocol I've never owned the Hard Light and have no idea if I'd even like the weapon. I've just always wanted to try it out. As for the armour, I just want a Warlock helmet that I can use with my Sunsinger. I have Light Beyond Nemesis for a few special purposes, and Obsidian Mind for Voidwalker, but nothing that really synergises well with Radiance. Plus, my raid gear has no Discipine on it at all and the boost would be nice. Starfire Protocol... originally I wanted three Fusion Grenades. Now I want two Fusion Grenades and Angel of Light.