So, I enjoy Crucible -offscreen audience gasp- YEA I said it! So what, big whoop wanna fight about it? I have noticed that people use nearly the same weapons for PvP. Now I get that the perks and stuff are great, but change up sometimes. Kiiinda gets a little annoying for other players (one being this guy). Now don't go saying "OH, YOU JUS SUCK AT TH GAME, RANK UP THAT KD NEWB! LOLOL!!!11!" I don't care bout KD, Crucible is for me. Aaaand finally, what weapons, Primary, Special, and Heavy, have YOU been commonly killed by? I can name a few; (PS I am not asking [b]WHAT YOU USE[/b] I'm asking what [b]KILLS YOU THE MOST[/b]
[b]Primary[/b]: Suros Regime, Thorm, Hawkmoon, Shadowprice
[b]Special[/b]: Found Verdict, Swordbreaker, Murmur, Comedian, Preadyths Revenge, Patience and Time, Invective
[b]Heavy[/b]: Gjallahorn, Truth, Hezen, Jollder's Hammer
Shotguns: the one word to describe my deaths in PVP
This post is pretty true.......but if you made this same post 2 months into the game, there would have bee less guns on this list. They have done a decent balance job to get more guns into PvP. I
#UniversalRemote is overused.
most definitely that noob friendly sniper praethyths revenge
I dont know why but i really suck at using thorn in the crucible , while other ppl kick my ass with it
The Warlock blink then shotgun combo kills me over and over. Fusions are what irritate me the most.
jolders is sex in machine gun form. I <3 thorn. And omg hawkmoon, just omg. But my favorite crucible gun is STILL Timur's lash. Just so much impact... I need a new 331 model to be complete on the inside.
I'm glad I'm not on ps4. Hawkmoon is scary as -blam!-.
Luck on their part.
C'mon where's the obvious? Painted big chief!!
I never upgraded Suros, so I could be an ass in PVP. It's true. That gun is broken in that way.
Im surprised mythoclast isnt on there
Funny that all the weapons that kill you are considered to be the best legendary or exotic weapons in the game!! :) I mainly use Thorn in PVP for its aim and damage and the Mark of the Devourer gets me some nice kills and Postmortem medals. I enjoy playing in the Crucible and the Iron Banner too but can say most of my deaths are by Suros Regime or Found Verdict. The Swordbreaker is starting to make its presence felt though.
Pussies with thorn. They can't really think they are good can they?
Shotguns galore.
TDYK, Invective, Hezen Vengeance. Works every time.
I'm not sure of names of weapons but I get killed with shotguns and fusion rifles a lot! And it isn't a weapon but smashed... Titans really like to smash me!
Fusion rifles. Played crucible for the first time in 3 weeks today and 9/10 deaths were from fusion rifles.
The thing that kills me most in crucible is other guardians cause guns don't kill guardians guardians kill guardians.
Oh you know..the normal level 4's that can shotgun me behind a wall...across the damn map.
I have no idea what I get killed by the most. Sometimes I see this bright light staring at me from across the screen and then "BAM!" I'm dead. Sometimes I also see rockets flying at my face before I go flying too. I'm too busy trying to respawn to pay much attention to what I was killed by unfortunately. Still waiting for the Suros Regime though. I'm an auto rifle guy and I'd love to have that one. Xur? What's up dude?!! I'm with you though. Most games I buy are for the PvP value. This game just happens to have cool enough stuff to do outside of PvP moreso that a lot of other games, so that's cool. But PvP is the only reason I buy most games. And I love me some Crucible.
I can't wait to take my MIDA in there. Prior to that I was using my legendary pulse rifle Bad Seed Down. My perks were 3rd eye and head hunter.
Black Suros definitely
Overused? Definitely NOT Suros Regime, Auto Rifles, Fusion rifles, heavy machine guns, panic button supers, or invective or other shotguns. Never see any of that, let alone every match.