Amaranthine Knights are looking for new members. The clan is currently strike and raid based and mostly just finding other people to play destiny with, the clan is Xbox One Only though.
we also will try to do Nightfall strikes depending on if they are the base game or the dlc strikes.
below is a link to our clan page hope to see some new members soon.
Edit: sorry a paragraph is missing, we also want to take players though raids who have not done them yet.
Looking to join have a 29 warlock and 26 hunter GT: Murderdoll12
Level 26 titan sent a request GT is the same
Currently a lvl 11 warlock and looking to join a clan. I learn fast and won't be a burden.
Requested to Join, Got a level 27 Hunter, 29 Warlock and 30/31 Titan. With a lot of raid EXP.
Requested to join. I am a lvl 31 Titan that is experienced both in raid and crucible.
Edited by Random: 1/2/2015 5:25:09 AMrequested.. RndmFreq, currently 26 hunter.
Requesting to join. 31 Hunter, 30 warlock, and 17 titan. GT xXLupusAnimusXx
Requested to join.
On my phone and the link won't work. How large is the group?
Clan request please
Request sent
I requested to join
GT: Archie1185