The Crucible can be fun at times, yet we all must admit that it is so disgustingly broken. We all know that Bungievision will never actually solve the issue, and just put out more DLC, but it's fun to dream, right? So I've decided to make an entire forum post that no one will read. Hahaha, hehheh, ehhhh. Here we go. The five main problems are supers, heavy ammo, special weapons being blatantly overused by everyone, some exotics being annoyingly powerful, and certain weapons being absolutely useless.
Supers are a touchy subject, if you were to take them out completely would seem pointless, as all you would have are your grenades n' stuff. My thoughts on it would be to reduce the gain of them significantly, maybe so that it would be 1 or [i]maybe[/i] two each game for each player, provided that they play well, or something along the lines of that. Heavy ammo is just plain dumb. With supers you actually have to do at least something to gain energy. Heavy ammo is just "hey I found a box and now I have insta-kill". To keep it in the game, it would have to be one spawn, once per game. That makes it so map control is a bit more apparent (Or remove it entirely, either works. :3) Special weapons are annoying. Shotguns, insta-kill. Fusion rifles, insta-kill. (Sniper Rifles are sorta fine because you need to hit headshots) Special ammo shouldn't be given on spawn, and be less common in drops, pretty simple fix.
Exotics being a bit too powerful, i.e. The Last Word, SUROS Regime, Vex Mythoclast, [b]POCKET INFINITY[/b] (You get the point.) is another problem, like I said. They should be nerfed, yet not to uselessness. Like Red Death. What was with that Red Death nerf? It was fine the way it was. I'm still super salty about it. Anyways, exotics, nerf 'em someway. Weapons being absolutely not worth using ever. Weapons such as low impact anything, and literally all Pulse Rifles except four. Why? The point of having multiple types of weapons in an FPS is to promote different playstyles, right? But then again, modern FPS' all have this mentality of USE THE EASIEST WEAPONS TO USE AND YOU'RE BETTER THAN TOP TIER COMPETITIVE PLAYERS IN LITERALLY ANY GAME thing going on. Oh well.
Also gametypes. Everything is basically a deathmatch with extra objectives. Except for clash and rumble. Those are fine the way they are. Salvage is a great step, yet it's a deathmatch and the relics only give bonus points. CTF would be great, I think it, along with some other changes to the Crucible, maybe like the ones I have mentioned above, would really save Destiny's PvP.
If anyone has actually read this, one; Damn, you have some impressive patience. Two, if you may, give me some of your ideas on how to make this PvP a bit more balanced and fun for all. And I just realized that I wasted my time doing this as no one will actually read it. Fun!
I very rarely play the crucible but from the posts that I have read about it the players are always screaming for weapons to be nerfed the problem with this is that the nerf then affects the weapons performance in pve so until they separate the nerfs or buffs from one to the other the quick and simple solution is ban all exotic and legendary weapons from the crucible apart from the iron banner which should remain an anything goes contest. Also have the IB as a permanent playlist like CoD had a hardcore playlist alongside the normal one