People think that's weird. It never appealed to me.
You should try it, it's actually really fun.
As soon as I can talk my wife into letting me get an xbone. Lol. Gotta build a new rig first. I guess I can get it on 360. Meh.
No, get an Xbox One, and get, Halo: The Master Chief Collection. It is $60.00 and all on one disc Halo 1-4 is on there.
No shit? Well hell, that's ammo for me considering what Santa Nintendo brought the wife. Lol plus media center on 360 is having issues with some new codecs.
You haven't played destiny either apparently
From what I understand they are two different games.
They are, very much.
I almost played Halo 2 once. I'll give it a whorl.
Shhiiitttt. Everday since alpha.