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Edited by SniPezZ 2uiCiDE: 1/6/2015 2:12:42 AM

United Nations (Everyone Welcome)

For this game you basically pick any existing country and lead it through the tiers stated below. [b]If at any point you have any questions feel free to ask[/b] [b]I do not take credit for this concept I just saw a few threads that did this before hand and I saw people getting nuked restarting then getting nuked again. I made this to try and create a fair thread for all the people forced out of the others or just for someone that wants to play[/b] [b]Rules[/b] 1. Do not use "god mode" your country cannot just advance a few hundred years in the matter of minutes. Determination of this rule being broken is at everyone in the servers discretion. 2. To invade a country you must announce you are invading and include what resources you are sending to the invasion, if they do not reply in 30 minutes you automatically win if they do reply a we and you fight until surrender or compromise. To fight you must use reasonable resources. You cannot invade AFK countries. 3. If you have to leave then post AFK at the bottom of your post, if you are AFK you cannot post on the thread until you remove it. 4. If you have nukes you can only use one every 3 hours. 5. Do not abuse the AFK option 6. If you would like to trade with countries you must have their consent 7. You cannot hide anything or lie to deceive others 8. You cannot use your citizens for your military unless you create a draft. 9. You must post the result of your attack after you win/lose 10. Try not to attack anyone within their first hour of playing, instead focus on improving your own or wait a little while. 11. If you are invaded you have the option to retreat to another country and carry your progress but you cannot use this as an opportunity for vengeance [b]Tiers[/b] Tier 1 Requirements: You must choose your country. You start out with basic technology from the 1700s-1900s such as Bows and arrows, muskets, flintlocks, and no electricity (1700-1900) Tier 2 Requirements: You must invade a country, become allies with a country or advance your science to this level (If you feel you have ask and I will let you know, if you haven't then I will advise you on what you have left to advance). This tier allows you to create and use basic WWI technology, you earn early auto rifles, basic sniper rifles, early vehicles,electricity and early rocket launchers. (1900-1920) Tier 3 Requirements: You must invade another country or advance your science to this level This tier allow you to create and use technology from the WWII era, you can earn early assault rifles, better weapons in general, a starting nuclear program, aircraft, anti aircraft, and tanks (1920-1940) Tier 4 Requirements: You must invade another country, or receive this tier through scientific development This tier allows you to create and use Cold War technology, you can earn better tanks, better nukes, begin space exploration, early jets, and stealth planes. (1960-1990) Tier 5 Requirements: You must invade 2 countries, become allies with 2 countries, or receive this tier through scientific development This tier gives you modern day tech up to the next 35 years, this gives you things like modern weaponry, early proton cannons, early space stations, and modern vehicles. Anything that currently exists is in this tier. You can also begin scoping out other planets with rovers. Tier 6 Requirements: You must invade a country or receive it through scientific development This tier reward you near future technology after the next 35. This includes things like early laser technology, exoskeletons, and faster and more capable space ships and jets. (2050-2100) Tier 7 Requirements: Invade a country, or receive it through scientific development This tier rewards you with even better future technology such as the ability to colonize other planets, laser technology, etc. Tier 8 Requirements: Create an alliance of three countries that will help pay for an advanced space program This tier will allow you to send rovers and/or space stations outside of our solar system, humans cannot yet leave the solar system. Discovering a new planet will take at least 24 hours Tier 9 Requirements: You must have created an international space station, and found a planet with your rover. This tier grants you the ability to send humans outside of our solar system and begin colonizing. [b]To begin the first five people to select one of these countries will receive the tier boost in the parenthesis, meaning you will start at that tier.[/b] 1. Russia (Tier 3) (Taken) 2. United States (Tier 3) (Taken) 3. China (Tier 3) (Taken) 4. North Korea (Tier 2) (Taken) 5. Canada (Tier 2) (Taken) Current countries and their owners: Russia (Snipezz 2uicide) United States (BeastMode Z ON) China [b](Now owned by Russia)[/b] Canada (Converge) Scotland (FaZe Uncle Rico) Germany (FaZeEntombedMoth) Cuba [b](50% Russian owns North Cuba, 50% USA owns South Cuba)[/b] North Korea (Smaugs Wrath) New Zealand (Dogchamp14) [b]Now owned by Scotland[/b] Jamaica (Ben Dover) [b](Owned by USA)[/b] Britain [b](50% USA owns North Britain, 50% Scotland owns South Britain)[/b] Australia (VeryThunder) France (Realistic Burn) Spain (Stunt Ninja32) Japan (JohnBro1) Estonia (SynTroller) Switzerland (Clonetrooper99) Antarctica (RashidBLUE) Sealand? (MaloHawk) South Korea (Awesomeman303) Croatia (Storm Kig Yar)

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  • Edited by Been Here Awhile: 3/1/2015 9:52:02 PM
    I choose United States! [b]Tier 3[/b] [b]Tier 4[/b] [b]Tier 5[/b] We populate all of our new countries with their own militaries for 4,500,000 and begin taxing all of the countries 5% and begin farming in all countries. Collect Taxes 10,000,000 We spend 2,000,000 to finish our solar program and spend 5,000,000 on producing solar powered cars and trains we no longer need coal so we sell the rest of our coal for 1,000,000 and shut down the coal mine. We begin making better nukes for 3,000,000. We raise taxes to 10% for everyone no matter the class in all countries. Collect Taxes: 11,500,000 We spend 2,000,000 on an aircraft carrier and 4,000,000 for 5 jets to be put on it. We join Scotland's National Space Organization. We begin a new Science program where all scientists get together and begin talking about new scientific advancements. Its called operation future. [b]Operation Future Begins[/b] We spend 2,000,000 to help fund Operation Future. We collect Taxes: 15,000,000 Population reaches five mil. We build a new capitol in all of our countries for 10,000,000 Jamaica's citizens are moved to USA Jamaica's resources are sold for 2,000,000. We begin Turning Jamaica into our new Science/military Base and a wall is built around it with face recognizing technology invented by operation future for 10,000,000 Collect Taxes: 20,000,000 We build another aircraft Cartier with 5 for jets for 5,000,000 naming it USS Pacific and the other is named USS Atlantic and they are each sent to the oceans they are named after. Operation future discovers how to disable countries radars and all planes are equipped with this feature for 15,000,000 Collect Taxes: 25,000,000 We spend 5,000,000 to send rovers to Mars, the moon and Mercury. We spend 20,000,000 to build a space station. The National Space Staion. Operation Future invents a virtual reality video game and sells 1,000,000 copies for $100 each. Collect Taxes: 30,000,000 Population 10 mil. Taxes raised to 11% We begin a territory system and split USA into four parts each with their own leaders that are all under control by three main leaders including all other countries. Collect Taxes: 35,000,000 Operation Future creates a new military suit similar to the Spartans in Halo we supply 50 of them to our highest ranking officers for 5,000,000 they are our Spartans. We provide free education for our whole population: literacy rate is now 99% Costs us 30,000,000 We begin researching how to weaponize plasma as well as vacuum bombs and emp bombs and advanced space travel. We begin funding this research with 100,000 [b]Weaponized Plasma research: failed[/b] Due to soon advances I'm science we provide all scientist with increase in pay and free medical and education costing us 10,000,000. Due to cut in military spending and no wars 10% of military is cut and provided a new job at our solar panel factory. Taxes raised to 12% Collect Taxes: 50,000,000 We set up communication towers one in each US Territory and one in each country costing 1 mil each costing 7 mil in total. Everyone has communication now for the price of $10 a month 10,000,000 of population pays for it. Which gives 100,000,000 a month. (Will include in all of the tax collections. Collect Taxes: 150,000,000 We now have population of 20 mil. Taxes lowered down to 10% we continue making same due to larger pop. Taxes collected: 150,000,000 We spend 220,000,000 advancing our current programs. We completedresearching vacuum and emp bombs we spend 50,000,000 to make one of each. Operation Future finds out how to capture plasma however very unstable. They begin looking into ways to stabilize it. Operation Future Finds that silver can stabilize plasma and spends 1,000,000 on silver. We begin to look into ways on how to release the contained plasma in a controlled weaponized way. Our sattelite picks up images of Russia with Proton cannons. After many failures when trying to weaponize plasma we give up and begin researching proton cannons. Operation Future is funded with 25,000,000 in hopes for making proton cannons, so far they are already having better luck then the plasma. Collect Taxes: 180,000,000 We spend 3,000,000 on enhancing our space suits and 1,000,000 to help fit more oxygen tanks in our space station. We begin funding a secret space exploration program starting at 100,000,000 Collect Taxes: 190,000,000 We spend 100,000,000 to help fund Scotland in return for the science and technology to move to tier 6. [b][u]Tier 6[/u][/b] We finish our proton cannons and spend 100,000,000 to equip all of our planes and ships with proton cannons. We begin shipping half of our nukes to the National Space Station for 10,000,000. Collect Taxes: 200,000,000 Operation Future invents military smart suits that are exoskeletons with motion sensor technology. We make 100 of the smart suits for 50,000,000. We spend 50,000,000 to train our new smart soldiers and equip them with mini plasma cannons. We spend 50,000,000 to replace our two old satellites with new improved satellites with improved thermal HD cameras with optimal zoom. We then begin to research better jet engines that can go faster while using less gas. Operation future discovers that although they cannot weaponize plasma it does work as a good explosive energy source and decide to try and make the new jet engines using plasma. We spend 50,000,000 to begin testing out prototypes. [b]Current Jet Plasma Engine Progress 100%[/b] We collect Taxes: 210,000,000 We collect Taxes: 220,000,000 Our Research has been successfully completed we can now make jet plasma engines we spend 100,000,000 equipping our jets with these new engines we now have no need to waste money on gas. We spend 100,000,000 designing faster spaceships equipped with these new engines. We spend 200,000,000 for the project diamond. Which helps us build a rover that can withstand extreme temperatures and collect objects and bring them back to earth. We hope to send this rover to Uranus to collect its diamonds. As Uranus rains diamonds. Operation Future decides to equip the Project Diamond Rover with an advanced plasma engine costing 25,000,000. Collect Taxes: 230,000,000 It is decided to make a second Project Diamond Rover to double the amount of diamond we retrieve. Costing another 220,000,000. We spend 35,000,000 to speed Project Diamond as we see that it will increase profits later. We offer to sell South Cuba for 250,000,000. We spend 100,000,000 to finish and send both project diamond rovers to Uranus. It should be about a month before they get their and a month to get back. Each can carry about 10 pounds of diamonds. We collect taxes: 240,000,000 The Two Project Diamond rovers have reached Uranus and have been loading up on diamonds. The two rovers begin heading back with an approximate of 20 pounds of diamonds equaling a net worth of about $1,000,000,000 They should be back within a month's time. Taxes collected: 250,000,000 We spend 50,000,000 to repave roads and 100,000,000 to have increased border patrol and an electric fence all the way around the border of each of our countries with razor wire. We spend 50,000,000 planting trees and flowers along our roads beautifying the community and we raise taxes to 20% for upper class 15% for mid class's and 10% for low class. We be build a glass factory in South Cuba for 10,000,000 and begin exporting glass. We collect taxes: 410,000,000 We equip our warboats with cruise missiles for 35,000,000. We begin setting up quarries in search for gold and other expensive and or useful materials such as silver, iron, tin, salt, cooler, etc. A quarry in each country is set up. The United States invades Iraq. The invasion is a success. [b][u]Tier 7[/u][/b] We collect 420,000,000 The 2 Project diamond rovers have return with 1B in diamonds. The Project diamond Rovers are repaired and set up with fresh plasma engines for 100,000,000. They are sent back to retrieve more diamonds. We have found Tin, salt, and copper deposits in our quarries we now export these new materials. The United States requests for funds from the other NSO members to help fund The Space Program: Project New Space. The US wakes up AFK [b][i][u]Project New Space 0%[/u][/i][/b] Current Tier 7 [b]Total Budget $2,055,000,000[/b] [u][i]Countries: Jamaica, USA, South Cuba, North Britain[/i][/u] [u][i]Allies: Germany, Canada, Russia[/i][/u] [b][i]In The National Space Organization[/i][/b] [u]Owns National Space Station (equipped with several Nukes)[/u] [b]Exports: Iron, diamonds, wood, fish, rice, tin, salt, copper.[/b] [i]Sattelites (with camera) 2[/i] [i]Upgraded Nukes 4[/i] [i]Vacuum Bombs 2[/i] [i]EMP Bombs 2[/i] [i]Nukes 6[/i] [i]Aircraft Carrier 2[/i] [i]Jets 250[/i] [i]Tanks 90000[/i] [i]Fighter Planes 90000[/i] [i]War Boats 55000[/i] [b][i][u]Current Population 73,000,000[/u][/i][/b]

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