Post the stupidest and the dumbest things you've heard in school.
In 8th grade, girl says "Isn't Japan a part of China?"
"Why can't I give blood if I have herpes?"
This was Freshman Year.
In school we were asked to write a paper about a future technology most people wrote crap like powdered water just add water. I wrote one on early conception tests to determine how a baby would be within the first week of conception. It caused a huge controversy that even the teacher got involved. The test was 99% accurate and it told gender hair eyes and if there are and abnormal cells. The idea was that adults and kids with abnormalities cause stress on the people that take care of them. So instead of people blindly going into birth they would know what they have so early on that they could not worry about the social issues in abortion it would only be cells still. Almost every guy and teacher agreed it would be a chance for the world to change greatly. But all the girls in school almost all said it is wrong it is a baby still. Even the special education teacher agreed with my paper. Shows how much people can change over time. Most of the girls that opposed now would welcome the idea.