I personally play xbox one but I need to know what console is better an why please answer an say your reasons
Ps I'm looking to get a new console for my 14 year old nephew I just don't know what one to buy
Thank you everyone I just asked him what he wants instead he said he wants a xbox one also, he said he wants to play killer instinct thank you everyone
Technologically the PS4 is the better console and has about 300% larger market share at the moment. After this past week and the obnoxious amount of time it took Sony to recover from the DDoS attack, I'm not sure I'd recommend the console in good conscience. I do own both consoles and I prefer my Playstation in almost every way, but Microsoft clearly has the better infrastructure and the honest truth is that when the network goes down and you can't play any of your games, it doesn't matter how great the console is, just how quickly the company can recover and get you playing again.