Listen Up OP. All of the reasons you wrote IS EXACTLY why the weapon SHOULD BE AVAILABLE! No one wants to spend hours fighting the exact same bosses over and over and over and over for more time than necessary. People want to get in, get the rewards and get out. This will not make the game any less fun because the rocket launcher is not as over powered as it was made out to be on these forums. It makes battles slightly easier and is not "cheese" worthy. Even if it was cheese worthy, so what?
Take moment to look at what the black hammer does to boss fights like sepkis and the archon priest. You can finish them in minutes/seconds That is the fun part!
If a weapon exists that makes game play of repetitive missions more efficient, then everyone should get an opportunity to own said weapon. If you feel strongly about keeping the difficulty level high then don't use said weapon(s) if owned.
Black Hammer is only available to lucky players who were able to complete the raid, and from there, they have to be pretty good to get the special effects to kick in and wield it well. On the other hand, unless you want to see level 28 players killing Atheon on hard mode, Xur should probably not sell the Gjallarhorn for now. At least wait until the Wolfpack Rounds lose a little bit of their bite via a slight patch to damage.
Edited by Wii: 1/4/2015 11:58:11 PMI've seen super skilled level 28s and level 31s that didn't know how to fire a gun. What's the big deal if a level 28 makes it to Atheon on hard? Why do you care? If a level or group of 28s makes it to Atheon on hard, they should be congratulated, not criticized. The likelihood of a group of levels lower than 29 making it through a hard raid is almost impossible unless they are super skilled or got carried. 1 exotic rocket launcher per person will not make a difference. Also, let me elaborate on the point I was trying to make before. I believe the weapon should be rewarded after a certain amount of gameplay. High level skilled player are already speed running missions and raids. Again, 1 exotic rocket launcher will not make that big of a difference for a higher level player. Side note - Bungie did not make Atheon a better raid. They have left it behind and untouched since the dark below came out. The drops are still terrible and RNG is the biggest curtain that has been pulled over our eyes. This game is not RNG. It is something else. I will back that up with one example: I have completed VoG over 55 times. I have only received Truth 3 times and Red Death 3 times from the exotic chest. That is not RNG.
Edited by Mr Goodkat: 1/2/2015 6:03:50 PMIt's not that the OP is against the difficulty being too low and breezing through it, it's that Bungie will be. They'll see everyone breezing through, and nerf Gjallahorn and/or buff mobs'/bosses' health, thus increasing the difficulty to bring us back to status quo. And hurting new players who don't have it.
How will new players be hurt if they don't have it? No one has it when they start out. New players will have to level up like everyone else. I got to 32 without it and I get along just fine. That doesn't mean I don't want it. As matter of fact, it is one of a handful of reasons I still play. People will not stop playing the game if they have an over powered weapon. They will stop playing the game if content becomes scarce and repetitive.
Did you read his post, or even the tl;dr version? His thoughts are that if everyone has it, they'll buff the enemies health, particularly bosses to the point that it almost requires Gjallahorn. New people who don't have it will hurt because of the enemies health buff, and they don't have Gjallahorn. I'm not saying he's right but that's what the post says.
Exactly, that or they'll have to nerf the Gjallarhorn, which I actually wouldn't opppose if they, say reduced the Wolfpack round damage by about 50%, but knowing the community, people will probably throw away their copies of destiny complaining "oh I earned my gjallarhorn blah blah blah". It simply will not work out in the end.