1. Sweet. I've been waiting for it.
2. Same as number 1.
3. Same as 1 and 2
4. If they play enough.
5. Why do you care? They can already be soloed.
6. This already happens without the gjallahorn with the right team.
7. Entire raid can be soloed. Same as number 6.
8. Easy marks for materials.
9. Why do you care?
So in general, you have one and don't want others to have it either. Ever one of your points except 1-4 are moot arguments. If Xur won't sell it anymore, then Bungies lazy ass needs to come out and announce it. At least some of the hate will stop. Snowflakes like yourself need to be banned for the simple reason of holding something you have over everyone's head acting like you're better than them. Newsflash, you're not. Everyone getting the gjallahorn would allow many to keep enjoying this game instead of dropping the gaming population more. A happy customer is a money spending customer. Didn't you learn that in economics?
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