Sadly I think most of us can agree that the day Xur does decide to sell the Jellyhorn ( RNG based I know ) it will mean the end of it as we all know it will get nerfed. So having it the way it's set up now is nice and perfect. People just need to keep doing Nightfalls or just get lucky through a legendary engram to earn this weapon. Sorry people but that's just how it should be.
You have 1 raid completion. They could nerf it into the ground, how exactly would that hurt you?
Where did I even mention Raids? lol. Yeah I beat VOG once and no cheese. Can't say the same for 90% of the players running around bragging they beat Crota etc. Anyways, Lets get back on topic here. The Rocket Launcher known as the "Jellyhorn" would make everything in this game easy. And what happens when a weapon is overused and really good? A Nerf that's what. Wanna talk about Raid Completions then speak with OP.
Edited by Revorne: 1/3/2015 3:08:23 AM"Jellyhorn" as you refer to it is only useful in raids / PvE. It has no chance of being nerfed. Same as icebreaker.. It's not a pvp class weapon and therefore doesn't warrant balance changes. I mentioned raids as people discussing balance changes etc should probably have some experience in the game. Otherwise they don't really know what they are talking about, IE "if everyone has jellyhorn it will get nerfed." I'm pretty sure it they were going to nerf it they would have done so by now. It's heavily used by every team that competes for raid completions - speed runs - worlds first - solo attempts, two man attempts - etc. Not to mention if you aren't raiding with it then a nerf won't matter to you. As that's it's primary use.
It's cloudy a launcher bro. Chill.
Everything you mentioned here was already addressed from the OP. I agree with his opinion and factored my own from a point of view from a player who does Strikes primarily. I can see this weapons future based upon the popularity of the desire for this weapon. The next time it comes out in Xurs shop will bring the end of it.
The original poster was trolling. You actually seem serious. Which is kinda sad bro... You'd come off better it you just said I'm a snowflake.
So you're trolling then? OKay. Nice to know.