As the title says, you are now the main character in the last game you played. :P
Who are you, I'm the Courier from Fallout NV :3
gta v no main character
I'm Joel from the last of us...-blam!- yes
I am the Master Chief.
Edited by abba61: 1/3/2015 10:29:04 PMI'm just a unnamed US Support, whom managed to make it through an entire battle without dying... And got to use a tank. I'm pretty okay with this actually. Let's see my accomplishment: -27 Kills -Got my very own M1A1 Abrams Tank -Blew up a really freakishly big skyscraper -Shot a helicopter out of the sky -Got a promotion -Saved a squad of marines from an enemy tank -Turned 3 Chinese into roadkill
Lord of the sith.. Juggernaut
Unfortunately the last game I played was lolDestiny... Which means I'm a blue skinned female...
Destiny doesn't really have a main character but the game before that is the crew so I guess I'm the guy from The Crew
Edited by Koldraxon: 1/3/2015 10:16:05 PM[REDATED] (apparently everyone hates everything and hates everyone's opinion on it and any fanfic/whatever) [spoiler]...ynitseD morf "naidrauG" A[/spoiler]
I am Master Chief
Isaac from the binding of isaac
Lel. I'm the king from little king's story.
I am talion Shadow of mordor
Edited by Rhynerd: 1/3/2015 9:59:50 PMLast game I played was Town of Salem. So that makes me a determined framer with an unfortunate mafioso and an uncertain godfather who are both dead. Then again this also means that I have a city all to myself. I can work with this.
I'm Sarah Kerrigan I got the whole Zerg Swarm under my control. Time to pay a visit to all the people in high school that talked shit to me.
War from darksiders.... Hmmmm
Quanari mage from dragon age inquisition
Arno from ac unity.
I deserve a box.
D4...Now I must look for D...
The british dude from Forza Horizon 2. I'm fcking excited! I get to drive hundred-thousand dollar cars all damn day long listening to catchy racing music!
Agent Locke or MC then
Far cry 4...-blam!-
The last game I played was called "The Real World" I play as my own character, but the main one is God.
So am I Franklin, Michael, or Trevor. Or could I be my gta online character cause that's who I was last
I'm my guardian wooooooo lets go kill some hive
My trainer from Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. Cool.