[edit: chose not to and got what I needed this week thankfully]
After a week of no new raid gear across my 3 characters, I'm very tempted to reroll one of them so I can raid again and hopefully hit 32.
I've not done it before and want to know what people think...
Downsides I can think of:
- reset/loss of skill tree
- loss of vendor ranks
- loss of +6/7 hours of my life
Still very tempted by the lure of another raid.
1) Reset Titan
2) Roll a hunter or warlock
3) Raid this week and again on Tuesday
4) Roll it back to a Titan
however, if hard mode comes out soon. Will probably have more chance of getting my last pieces of gear anyway assuming double drops!!
Tough decision[/spoiler]
Help! Lol
I had one of each character, but realized that I just wasn't having fun playing them all, so I made a second of my main character instead. This allows me to share some gear, have a better chance of getting at least one character to max. level, and I'm not spending as much on Exotic armor since I can just "hand me down" some of the old stuff. Playing only two classes has seemed more fun and less of a grind to me. However, the downside to starting a new character are: 1. Having to level all the subclass abilities. 2. Having to level the Crucible, Vanguard, and Faction standings 3. Having to re-do the Eris missions (though a plus if you like them) 4. If in the future the class you deleted is changed for the better and you want to play it, you'll have to do all this over again.