You're all lazy and want a free handout.
Edit: Point I'm trying to make is new people asking for handouts.
Edit 2: If you do think trading should be allowed give me a VALID LONG TERM REASON that would BENEFIT the game. Not because "O I have a bunch of extras I want to give my friends"
Edit 3: Sorry if I don't get to your reply I'm trying my best and its a little hard to keep track. (Also thank you to the people making good counter arguments against me this is how things get done in a well fashioned manor)
I love how people use RNG not giving them what they want as an excuse. Here's the thing, once you finally do get that drop, it's going to be that much more amazing because you have been waiting for so long. Also, this is the reason for RNG to begin with, is ice breaker awesome, sure. Is gjallarhorn awesome, yeah. Would you use these other exotics that are super fun and unique if you already had the ones you want? Probably not. My first exotic was pocket infinity, I didn't like fusion rifles and hated it's charge rate and 3 rounds. Regardless I used it because it was my only exotic and I had to show it off. Well after a week of dailies and bounties that POS fusion rifle became my favorite gun with its fully auto and 8 rounds. It was a beast. Since then I have never disregarded an exotic because another might be better. I still haven't got to try them all, but what I'm saying is enjoy what you have instead of being disappointed that it's not what you want. For all those who say "but it gives me armor for a class I don't have". Bungie intended that to encourage people to try all three classes. Worst case scenario, you just got an exotic shard which will come in handy in the future.