Its the only obtainable exotic weapon I dont have. Been playing since day 1 and im still yet to get it drop. So I would be happy for him to sell it to stop all these ghorn guys that have been playing for less time, dictating whether or not you can be in their game
Damn straight! I don't have it or IB and it's frustrating to see people get it to drop on their first nightfall you so kindly help them complete. Hell, I'd rather have IB than Ghally cause I like to play sniper in PVE just having fun on patrols. Sooner or later I'll get it from either Xur or a drop, but is there really a difference? You either earn it from a nightfall strike or you earn it from many weekly heroics which can be harder than nightfall as they have no "burn" effect. One way or another it is earned so please everyone just give it a rest on whether Xur sells it or not.
So true!!