Disclaimer: This is just a joke to go along with the continued rivalry between guardian classes, i.e. hunterisms, titanisms, etc. Have a good time with it, have a laugh, and have an awesome gaming experience. Also, it would be fun to see something similar from other classes for a good laugh.
Dear Warlocks and Hunters,
There seems to be a rivalry between the guardian classes on who is better. For that, I, a Titan, would like to apologize on behalf of all Titans, seeing how there is a lot about us that you don't like. So, I'm sorry that we are actually prepared for the war that is raging outside of the tower. We would have loved to bring our hipster coats, skinny jeans, and hoods but felt armor was more appropriate. I'm sorry that we like to get up close and personal with our supers and melees. We'd love to be able to sit back and thrown purple bombs or pull a sparkly gun out of nowhere, but punching things is just too irresistible and jumping head first into a group of thrall only to watch them evaporate around us is just too fun. I'm sorry that we are at the head of the vanguard table, the view is great. We wish you could witness it. Also, I would like to apologize for the wall our predecessors built to protect this city. It must be an eyesore to your fashion statements, forgive us. Finally, I am so, so sorry for our inconvenient subclass. Protecting you and increasing your firepower in no way compares to dancing with kitchen knives and sprouting flaming butterfly wings. Again, so sorry for the inconvenience we bring you on the battlefield. Please forgive us.
[spoiler]It's sad that this needs to be added. Thank you to all those who understand satire and know how to take a joke. Your hilarious responses were what I was hoping for. For the other people who are getting butthurt and taking this too seriously, calm down. Eat a snickers. You get all North Korea when you are hungry.[/spoiler]
Titan smash