I've seen super skilled level 28s and level 31s that didn't know how to fire a gun. What's the big deal if a level 28 makes it to Atheon on hard? Why do you care? If a level or group of 28s makes it to Atheon on hard, they should be congratulated, not criticized. The likelihood of a group of levels lower than 29 making it through a hard raid is almost impossible unless they are super skilled or got carried. 1 exotic rocket launcher per person will not make a difference. Also, let me elaborate on the point I was trying to make before. I believe the weapon should be rewarded after a certain amount of gameplay. High level skilled player are already speed running missions and raids. Again, 1 exotic rocket launcher will not make that big of a difference for a higher level player.
Side note - Bungie did not make Atheon a better raid. They have left it behind and untouched since the dark below came out. The drops are still terrible and RNG is the biggest curtain that has been pulled over our eyes. This game is not RNG. It is something else. I will back that up with one example: I have completed VoG over 55 times. I have only received Truth 3 times and Red Death 3 times from the exotic chest. That is not RNG.
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