1. Remember, this is a game you purchased for entertainment, or received as a gift. Have fun with it and don't take everything as a personal affront.
2. Bungie and DeeJ listen but won't respond to whining attacks complaining about every aspect of the game. Constructive criticism gets you further than curses and accusations.
3. Be patient with people, not everyone masters the game on their first day, also not everyone is blessed by RNGESUS.
4. This is a social game, not really meant to be completed solo. If you don't have friends that play there are plenty of Guardians running around that would be happy to join you.
5. If you're one of those not blessed by RNGesus be patient, you will get the items you want, eventually.
6. This game was released with the option to purchase DLC, it doesn't matter if the DLC content was cut from the main game or not, that's a business decision and out of your hands. So buy the DLC or not but accept that those who bought it also have the right for the content to appear in the daily/weekly rotation.
And finally: THIS IS A GAME!! Have fun with it or take it to your local Gamestop, they'll be happy to buy it off you.
Well said