originally posted in:Guardians of Destiny PS3
everyone needs to all all the clan members to there list for we can start having fun ZeRo_x_GUNNER
Can anyone get the admins to actually accept a request to join? I've been waiting weeks!
Add me PS3 flamingo801 will help on raids and strikes and bounties level 31 Titan has experience and has mic looking for new buddies
Nanny9999 lv32 worlock and Titan! Like to carry people through raid and strikes! Feel free to add me! PS3
I don't mind helping out, in fact I need some help some times. Titan lvl 31
Hi guys, UK Guardian and mainly on most nights from 8pm GMT. HYPERFUZE86
Kxiong93 feel fee to add
How could I join Clan
I don't mind helping on raids.Groovy906
Anyone add me up xPayne666 up for doing anything
Username: D1RtNaP4U Add me if you want, My motto: Try hard or dont try at all. Unless your playing Little Big Planet cause that games easy.
If anybody need some help, you can add me -> Juiant :) Level 30 Warlock
(PS4) (PS3) Love crucible?? Hi we're looking for new members for our clan. We already have meny members in our crew but we would really like to have more members who enjoy playing crucible!! Nothing better then a 6 man fire team wooping ass on control. We're also raiders who do alot of vog and Crota. Only looking for over 20 age and level 30+ on at least one of your characters please :) UK and USA times zones is when the clans active online. if above applies to you please feel free to request to join via this link here: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/774474 Where called 2ARD RAID3RS
Edited by Ianwillc: 3/1/2015 3:11:47 AMHiya, add if you'd like: ianwillc
PSN: eagle_43 lvl 30 hunter
Anyone willing, Comment below with your: PSN: greendye Lvl 31 Hunter Pretty easy, and makes it easy for each other to just go through and add each other so we can actually play together in game... Also if you havent, set GODs as your playstation clan
Hey I'm new to destiny though lvl 24 hunter I'm 23 and got a mic Ps3: AndyMaleantes You are welcome to add me
Add nikaliath1993 warlock 24 have mic
Lvl 19 Titan Psn: rpedro82 Always available to help out. Unfortunately I don't have a mic. Am new to the clan and destiny.
31 hunter 30 Titan PSN privacy_tyler
Lvl 25 Hunter
Psn: TocixGA3MR don't have mic
Hi. New to the clan looking for people to run raids with. Have never done VOG but would like to. PSN StorminGorman11. Lvl 31 Titan Lvl 31 Warlock Lvl 28 Hunter Have mic I'm on some evenings and most weekends Pacific time
I'm campcurt same PSN name. Lvl 31 Titan and lvl 29 hunter. 45 yrs and son's are 15 and 11. Lvl 31 Titan never finished VOG raid hard or Crota normal or hard raid. On EST.
Have mic on most evening some mornings also
thebigk500, don't have the dlc
Bamcis0313 Lvl 28 warlock add me for groups