Is it your imagination or the result of exiling reality from yourself?
Quite frankly if Google's a figment of your imagination everything else would be as well, even the cars they're developing as well as the roads they drive, to the lands those roads reside, to the Oceans surronding that continent, on down to you. But if you yourself are not real than quite frankly it should be impossible to type on any keyboard right? How can you have an imagination if you're not in existence without moronically throwing in some "mind-blown" equation that wouldn't equate to anything imaginable that wouldn't eventually be cancelled out by further imagining due to continued imagination as well as human nature would eventually force you to seek faults in your "reality" unless you wanted to specifically avoid that, effectively running from your mind in order to try and maintain how great and wonderful it is to be without limitations to the imagination despite the counter-productivity and rising depression you physically experience.
Damn the lack of punctuation.... Anyways, I've been alluding to that possibility nothing here is real. That perhaps we are just in some matrix machine, or that one of us is simply a complex "brain" or entity of thoughts and intelligence that is simply imagining all this(while the rest of us are nonexistent). That the matter we "feel" and "see" is all an illusion and that the intelligence is "dreaming" it up.
I know the joke, it's and old one that started long since before The Matrix released. But we all know it's not quite that fantastic.
[quote]We [i]know[/i][/quote] Do we now?
You can't prove to me we don't! [spoiler]I know you see what I did there.[/spoiler]
Yes. Almost bit it.