As far as both companies go, I have little faith in either. 343 I think are just green and a slave to Microsoft's agenda. Halo, under Bungie, was an innovator, it put Xbox on the map (and Xbox put Bungie on the map). Halo set the precedent for shooters with shields, 1 button melee and grenade. And then it set the standard for console online play. Then forge and theatre just keep the innovation going. So many elements of the modern shooter come from Halo. They spawned Red Vs Blue which popularised machining too. Word on the street was that back in the day, Bungie were the divas of Microsoft Game Studios, they were left alone to keep laying golden eggs because they were a hit machine.
I doubt we'll see innovation with 343's Halo. I think 343's Halo will become a design by committee affair that brings together the most profitable aspects and trends of the best selling shooters (COD, Destiny, titanfall etc) from the last few years and attempt to ride on that success. I think their design philosophy will be more about safety than risk. Their games will be collages of their competitors. Basically they will be imitators, not innovators.
Now, on to Bungie. They're not the same Bungie that they used to be. There used to be a HUGE community focus, on the forums, cool stuff like the Bungie triathlon, Bungie Day. Bungie used to be a company that sent actual steaks to gamers who beat them at Halo, a company that released free maps on Bungie Day. They had such a odd streak and a love for their community. The new Bungie gave us a trailer for Bungie Day... The new Bungie fired my favourite composer of all time (I mean really, Marty MADE Halo! He gave Halo it's DNA, if he's disputing his pay, then PAY HIM MORE). Most of the grizzled ancients that made Bungie what it was, dudes like Staten, are gone.
I don't think Bungie owes any apologies for Destiny, it wasn't broken. It's flawed as hell, but it works and you can choose to like it or not. I commend Bungie for trying to do something new, but I'm really worried about the more corporate and sterile culture that seems to surround the company now.
As far as 343 goes, they've made me hang up my Halo fandom, I'm just over the series now. After H4, Spartan Assault, Sarah Palmer, I have no excitement left for it.
Sounds depressing, sorry. But I honestly feel like a dude who's favourite watering hole was closed down.
Yeah I feel you on pretty much all of that, I know destiny can be something truly amazing and I don't like the bad name 343 branded halo with due to halo 4 and yeah bungie has really changed a lot. Halo was the shit, and it definitely won't bring experiences like before, that is certain. And yeah the music isn't as good now either which is sad cuz I loved halo music. One thing I will give destiny is the experiences I have had with people/friends. I can honestly say I've had some of the best moments on this game that I haven't had since old halo. And that's why I still play and have hope for it, cuz it's a great experience with the community.
I can't decide if destiny is a bad game with amazing elements, or an amazing game with some bad elements. Probably the later. At the base of it, there's is an insanely competent, solid, fun as hell shooter. And the art is amazing, it's gobsmackingly beautiful to look at. But obviously it's got story and content problems. But at the end of the day I think I have over 400 hours logged. So that speaks a lot. I guess I just expected a LOT more from Bungie. And who knows, the potential is there, it could become incredible over time. The foundation is there.
Yeah it is, that's why I'm still playing it, although not as hard core as before, but the potential is insane, hopefully it's shown by the comet dlc, that one is gonna be a lot bigger.