Technically zero is the absence of a number. So if their is no number it can't be one..
Buddy I have been arguing this with my friend for over 2 years and do not feel like arguing with you. So to lay this to rest if you were to look at a NUMBER line that goes from -1 to +1 in between those two numbers will be the number zero. Also Websters defines a number as a word or symbol that represents a specific amount or quantity. Zero fits that definition.
Zero is really a concept summed by a symbol, not truly a number(I know Webster says otherwise, but that is an incredibly vague definition). A little support: anything divided by zero is not a value, but anything divided by a number is. Zero is also not odd or even (many say even just because of where it sits on a number line) Ancient civilizations had all the tradition numbers(a complete set of number), granted symbolized differently, and it took 100s of years for a zero to show up because it is an abstract thing. Nothing is not a quantity, it is a highly abstract idea.