You do know that same hackers forced a large corporation like Sony to lose out on millions... and with the information that was accessed, people's account information could have also been looked at... Do you feel safe and so content with that now? I'd rather be hacked twice and just lose the ability to play for a few hours than than to have someone steal stuff from me... Ohh and ddos isn't really hacked more than network jamming... sony actually got full on hacked into... so ponder that a bit kiddo
No they got ddos' d. I would hardly call that a hack
LOL going offline for 3 months 2 years ago isnt a ddos
Talking about xbox here, try and keep up
I read sony got hacked info leaked... Then you said ddos id hardly call it a hack. I guess replies were just out of order
I see. I was responding to hypno panda talking about xbox being hacked
They got hacked and ddos within days. People literally got their hands on sensitive materials and leaked them. That's not ddos