Hi there, I'm very new to Destiny on the Xbox One, But would like some friends to do strikes, raids and just to have fun. I'm a level 25 Warlock and am a very loyal player, I do also have a mic.
My gamertag is AbsoluteMacbeth
add me if you wish to have fun and do some of these raids and strikes.
Hi I'm level 26 uk, add me for strikes
I added you
Hi there. I'm a level 27 Hunter and a VERY casual player (not so much free time to gaming). Mostly i've done patrols, the missions, a few strikes and a few daily stories. Never tried any raid because none of my friends play destiny on XBOne, and also because my native language is not english so i guessed it could be difficult to comunicate in a proficient way. Anyway, feel free to add me if u want: [b]PaulusX360[/b] Cheers :)
Feel free to add me: gt pager1525
Add me im on xbox one need help with raids as well
GT: Driigs x
Add me GT : B4DD K4RMA