If you cheese crota, here are my assumptions of you.
1. It's too hard for you.
2. You're lazy.
3. You have never learned to do it the right way.
4. You think there's no problem with it.
5. You think it's cool.
6. You think it's bungie's fault.
7. You did it once and think bungie owes you a level 32 character.
8. "I don't have time" when you've played 700+ hours.
When the hard raid comes out and you're walking around clueless, I will laugh in your face and boot anyone who asks how to kill crota legit.
Edit: seems like everyone claims they can't find 5 other people. Not a valid reason. My friend did it solo and I did it with only one other person in 3 minutes. So try something else.
Edit 2: So, it comes down to this. People either agree with me or they hate me because they can't do it legit. I love these people! Haha.
You should encourage them to keep doing it, hopefully come hard mode Bungie will have the known cheeses fixed and the few of us will reap the rewards while the rest can't and are stuck waiting for the next cheese
I don't cheese crota because he's a pretty easy fight being lvl 32 but when my clan and I run the raid we only get weapob drops the first time and on our 2nd & 3rd runs on our alts all we get are materials so I guess I would justify cheesing him because theres no reward for working hard and doing it legit...
Ehh put me down for no cardio...
Should make a edit 3 and say how kool you sound right now...... Blam yah right
Too hard
It's funny all of the responses I am reading. Most are saying they do it because they cant find a group who won't cheese it or a competent group. The point of the op is that it is gonna get patched and if you think it's hard now to find a group wait till it's fixed. Also people say to save time. Well aside from the bridge, it is way faster to do it legit. The more times you do it legit the more efficient you will become. Which will help on hard mode. I honestly believe that people cheese because they can't do it legit. To the people saying they've done it legit once or twice legit and now cheese......you got carried plain and simple.
Missed out on the Atheon cheese, everyone hammered that and had full sets of raid gear whilst I had to toil and grind away to hit 30. I only finally hit 30 a week or so before the update and then all my efforts were made obsolete with the new vanguard gear. Not missing out this time around, will use it til it gets patched but am not opposed to some legit runs to keep us all on our toes for when the patch hits.
Cheesing is for kiddies who are basically what you named off. Whenever I hear "Let's cheese it" I hear "I am too lazy and this is too difficult for me to do legit". Grow some balls and do it right.
"When the hard raid comes out and you're walking around clueless, I will laugh in your face and boot anyone who asks how to kill crota legit." I lol'd.
2 and 8
2 since i did it three times an my group can do it in a minute
2 and 4 are what I fall under. I try to solo it legit but yeah no luck there and no matchmaking means ill never do it. Eh, at least that first chest is always easy to get.
Personally, I don't think its worth it to do the raid legit when I keep getting the same piece of raid gear and a bunch of shards every week.
Edited by Eclipse: 1/6/2015 12:52:54 AMI've done it legit plenty of times. I've also cheesed it with one other person because I was lazy. Who cares? Beat it however you want. Your level 32 isn't affecting my level 32. Now, if you were cheating in the Crucible...then I'd kick your ass. The way I see it, mind your own business. Other people using exploits isn't going to hurt you. Bungie will patch the bugs and then people will find new ones. You're wasting your time worrying about it. Just play the game how YOU want to play it, and let others play it how they want to. P.S. I'd never want you on my Raid team....because I already have a set group. The only people who don't have a set Raid team are the people who depend on getting random groups together to cheese. Legit players already have their squads. Makes me wonder why you don't seem to have a Raid squad....hmmmmmmm
2,4,6 and 8 I guess
I couldn't agree more people cheesing are pathetic
I admit. I'm lazy as -blam!- when it comes to thus grindy ass game. You can say three of the same class is lazy, but not really. Kinda have to do the same exact work as someone who only has one character, except I can do It in a couple weeks. But will I cheese Crota? If it's quicker. Most of the time isn't.
Justification: If I can, I will. The end result is the only thing that matters to me.
My justification for cheesing: I can and I want to.
Dont have time.... Better games require my attention...
I'll cheese the hard raid too,come at me OP.
9. To hurt your butt
Well dude you already Know there is no real justification that would satisfy you, nor anyone else who doesn't condone cheating. Hence, the point of you creating this thread. And YES it's cheating. (for those who like to argue the point that it's an exploit. The definition is the same. ) am I personally against it? No. The point of cheating in video games is, why not? Cheat codes, exploits, dip switches have been in video game since their creation. For those who are not familiar with the intended way to play the game, you only hurt yourself if you can't do it the way the developer wants you to do it. If you can execute the property game play, then it's up to you which path you choose, but like any other human on this planet, the path of least resistance always is appealing. It would be like winning the lottery and returning the money, because you didn't attain it the way society intended. One more thing though, some people need to ask themselves, is it really your prerogative to stick your nose in other people's business, to try and control what they do, and to dictate their actions? Their business is theirs, and theirs alone. No one told me how to play my damn atari, and no one will tell me how to play my xbox.
I'm just 101% lazy and don't want to waste my time on rewards I probably won't get \0/ Idgaf 2
It's me getting back at Bungie for their entire zoo of errors
Foreword: I am against cheesing anything to an extent. For the VoG, the only time I cheesed it was if the group I was with refused to run it legit. I even hated hiding in the spin metal chest room during the Templars legions portion. I cheesed the VoG maybe twice. For CE I've cheesed it more. I now have 2 raid eligible toons. I love running the raid legit, it's fun as hell imo. However like what I just did, this week I haven't had time to run it twice. So before the reset I cheesed Crota on my second toon just to get the shards (ended up with Black Hammer). So IMO if you beat it legit once during the week any follow up runs I have no problem with cheesing. For the NFs, some of them are only possible "cheesing" or hiding in certain rooms. I don't feel me hiding in a room that is allowed as cheesing because it is me taking cover. Now Phogoths room is a different story because I don't even have to move. Plus some of those strikes I've done a shit ton of times and there are moments I'm only doing the grind not necessarily playing for the game (if that makes sense), so I end up taking the easiest route that requires little effort. TLDR; on Raids, I feel as long as you've beat it legit once for that week there is no harm in cheesing follow up runs.