If you cheese crota, here are my assumptions of you.
1. It's too hard for you.
2. You're lazy.
3. You have never learned to do it the right way.
4. You think there's no problem with it.
5. You think it's cool.
6. You think it's bungie's fault.
7. You did it once and think bungie owes you a level 32 character.
8. "I don't have time" when you've played 700+ hours.
When the hard raid comes out and you're walking around clueless, I will laugh in your face and boot anyone who asks how to kill crota legit.
Edit: seems like everyone claims they can't find 5 other people. Not a valid reason. My friend did it solo and I did it with only one other person in 3 minutes. So try something else.
Edit 2: So, it comes down to this. People either agree with me or they hate me because they can't do it legit. I love these people! Haha.
I honestly don't care either way, kinda wish more people did it legit so I could get more practice but I know how to do it legit and all so ya.........
I dont know if its just me.. But is it not quicker to beat crota legit then it is to disconnect?
Edited by Duke of Denver: 1/5/2015 11:42:37 PMVideo of you beating Crota in 3 minutes with 1 other team mate please.
Well I did it 7 times last week helping friends and low levels. Think 4 or 5 of those were legit the other 2 or 3 were cheeses. So sue me
Too lazy Not ashamed to admit it
Bump of approval.
Needed something to go with my wine
2,4,5,7,8. I'm fresh like a can of cheese wiz
Edited by Pneumo: 1/5/2015 9:46:05 PMif people can't find people to do it legit, that is a reason to just cheese it instead of spending an hour just trying to find people to do it legit. you're retarded to say that lack of team mates is no excuse when you need team mates. and it takes 2 seconds to learn the raid, being one who's done it legit, i can tell you unless you're full on stupid, you'll learn the raid as you go. get off of your elitist high horse, you're nothing special
Because someone went out and paid $75 for the game. That $75 was due to someone's work. Then they go and devote time to the game. So if they want to cheese Crota who cares? How does it affect you in any way? It's a game. It's not real life. You and your buddy can do it yourself so you don't have to have anyone in your group that cheeses. So it doesn't affect you. All it does is give someone a secondary or heavy weapon and that's it. If being 32 with all raid weapons define you as a person then that is sad. Not trying to come off wrong but sick of seeing all these post complain about how someone else plays the game. The only valid complaint is in pvp when someone is seriously cheating bc it does affect everyone else.
You're making a lot of assumptions about people. Has it never occurred to you that some people make it a point to "earn" their way the first time and then cheese on subsequent attempts because gear is the only reason to do it again?
Edited by Erics Playtime : 1/5/2015 10:07:05 PMYou left out # 9 .because i spent 2 hours looking for a team who ditched out half way through
as of late we do a legit run and then cheese with the alts.
Im an American i work smart not hard #lazy4lyfe
Hahahaha i got smashed by the "cheesers" when i said something similar.
First Order Optimal strategies. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EitZRLt2G3w]Extra Credits: Balancing for Skill[/url] I cheese because I don't have much of a choice. My group wants to just get it done, and I don't particularly want to be social and make new friends online. I actually do want to play it the way it's supposed to be played, but I get told it'll get fixed, so let's just get it in while we can. It's far more rewarding to play through the way it was intended, but the group I roll with wants to have it done and get the reward rather than deal with wiping over and over. As an example, since the Templar push got fixed, I have not gotten the no teleport chest. We always just do it from the cliff after we eventually wipe the first go around. Do I think it's cheesing to shoot him from the top? No, if the designers didn't want us to be up there, they wouldn't spawn us up there or would do something about. Do I think it takes more skill to prevent the teleport? Yes, clearly it's a much less risky method to do the sniping from the top. So, because I want to get it done, and the people I'm with want the reward not the challenge.
Reason why I waited soo long to finally do my raid. Too many offers of Cheese. Waited till my buddy got his copy of Destiny a few days ago and ran VOG and beat it with him and a few of my other buddies. No cheese too. We gonna do Crota soon just helping him get his characters up and ready for it.
I'm just lazy and I admit XD
.....my team sucks.......
Edited by SKELTON: 1/5/2015 10:25:37 PM45 minutes or continuous hours? and its not like this raid is that hard, VoG is alot harder, I've beaten crota 4 times legit while being swordbearer, the rest I've cheesed just because you might as well before they patch it. Call it wrong and lazy but everyone and their mother are cheesing this raid no matter if you don't know how to do it or even are a scrub people will still cheese as long as its an option. i'm not saying this to justify cheesing but do you have that much pride over a video game for you to feel good about spending 3-5 hours to beating it legit? if so you get no achievement/grimoire for doing legit anyway you have nothing to show for doing it legit. its to each his own anyway, do whatever you please, you are no one judge. & I bet you've cheesed as well, so.... [spoiler]you do the math[/spoiler]
Lazy. Love doing the lamps legit thought!
Because I've done it a few times and know how to do it. I learned it and still didn't get the rewards I wanted. So I cheese it to get it done faster, because I don't want to spend the time doing it legitimately seeing as how I already know how to do it, so why would I purposefully do it the long way?
I just do it legit and I have cheesed it before. I don't really care. The game is just a hobby
Because I don't like the new raid. Yes I'm a scrub but what ever
I cheese Crota I really don't care anymore I'm not saying I want to cheese him but every fire team i find is like r we cheesing and almost all of them are like sure
Bump. Your post is 100% true