If you cheese crota, here are my assumptions of you.
1. It's too hard for you.
2. You're lazy.
3. You have never learned to do it the right way.
4. You think there's no problem with it.
5. You think it's cool.
6. You think it's bungie's fault.
7. You did it once and think bungie owes you a level 32 character.
8. "I don't have time" when you've played 700+ hours.
When the hard raid comes out and you're walking around clueless, I will laugh in your face and boot anyone who asks how to kill crota legit.
Edit: seems like everyone claims they can't find 5 other people. Not a valid reason. My friend did it solo and I did it with only one other person in 3 minutes. So try something else.
Edit 2: So, it comes down to this. People either agree with me or they hate me because they can't do it legit. I love these people! Haha.
I've beaten it legit on all my characters. I've also cheesed it on all my characters. Same result either way. Some people who play destiny have a sense that they're "elitist" or "entitled". I'm sorry you put more than 800+ into the game and only have an emblem and a grimore score to show for it. I've put my time in and when the hard raid comes out and I find people who can't do it, I'll walk them through it. Have fun booting people and laughing.. The raid sucks anyways and DLC is a mess. Jokes on you because no one cares..
What's the deal? If it's available to cheese why not? If you want to waste the time doing it legit fine I have . But while you can cheese it why not? Turn an hour raid into 15 mins if that. Your gonna tell me that if you need to get to the top of a high hill your gonna walk rather than take an escalator your either an idiot or a liar
When did everyone else feel the need to be so involved in everyone else's lives and the way they played the game. Dose no one have nothing better to think about at night other than "OMG all these cheesers. I can't wait to bash then tomorrow for there lack of skill. Yes that will show them I'm the best"
I run the raid multiple times, the majority wins. If 5 wanna do it legit, we do it legit, if 5 wanna cheese, we cheese. Way more fun legit.
"What is essential in war is victory, not prolonged operations." - Sun Tzu
I don't feel like doing it legit again. There
Edited by BrisVegasBretto: 1/5/2015 8:38:07 PMThey don't need to justify it to you. They D/C at Crota because they're bad players. Leave them be. Drawing attention to them is like laughing at cripples. Its cruel and the physically challenged folk that they are may get offended. You don't want to be discriminatory now, do you?
I've never had a Crota, but in America, cheese makes everything taste better. #justified.
They don't need to justify it to you. They cheese because they're bad players.
Because I can. Know how to legit and can get through the whole raid just fine. Did the same thing with templar, first way I did it legit then pushed him every time till they patched it. Whether I cheese or legit I still put in the time and get rewards. And not taking the time to show people just makes you sound dickish. Not like it takes a whole bunch of time to explain how something will happen and do a few practice runs. Doesn't matter to me as my team is read to knock hard out the freaking park when it gets here. Just need shards to get 32 now.
Because they're scared
With my RNG luck I prefer to get the raid out of the way as quick as possible. Regardless of doing it legit or not I'm just gonna get shards anyway in the eyes of RNGesus. No I do not think I'm a scrub or lazy or some special snowflake that looks down upon others because of their play style. I'm just an effective grinder.
It's a game and I'll beat any boss the fastest way possible so I can get on with the game haha when it's patched I'll still beat it normal like always but for now, it's the fastest way
Oh stfu on your -blam!-ing high horse cool you didn't glitch in a video game no one here gives a fukk I promise you
What if it's because the Crota raid? so stupid and easy and boring that people don't even want to waste time doing it properly because of the lack of enjoyment? Why not cheese until they patch? Then inexperienced players will HAVE to learn how to do it! This ain't VoG man, a good raid, fun and challenging (even at 32) it's a raid that's worth not cheesing! P.S not my fault bungie made it so I can stand on a box on the back room (where the Swordbearer spawns on second bridge) and make everything despawn so I only need to kill orgres...
If the lfg team I am with wants to cheese, I go with it. If they want to beat it legit, I go with it. Anything to touch RNGesus
Edited by sargent100: 1/5/2015 8:28:41 PMFirst off, No one has to justify anything at all to you. Second, if anyone gives you a justification, you cant decide if it is acceptable or not as this entire thread is predicated on personal opinion. Is it wrong to cheese crota? No. Is it the way the encounter was designed? No. Why do I do it? Because I beat it legit week 1 and I like to beat CE as fast as possible so that I can get the raid done, try my luck with RNG, then cook my wife dinner. How do you justify being a blowhard? Edit: Medici says it best below me. "Anything to touch RNGesus"
Edited by SsjAndromeda: 1/5/2015 8:28:12 PM8.5 Because forming a decent raid team is impossible, except for Tuesday and Monday. (Or when enough of my friends are online to compensate for the squeakers)
Justify my motivation for doing something to a random on the internets,,, No, I think not.
I don't like doing it but if a group does it. I just go along. I waste more time making groups and waiting for ppl to get ready to raid than anything else.
Edited by bFLY: 1/5/2015 8:37:47 PMI cheese because I want to. Don't have to justify shit. This is a video game, no justification is needed as it's not that serious. I don't give two f**** if others agree honestly. Why work harder for the exact same reward? As a college graduate on my way to vet school I've learned long ago that that's a stupid way to go through life lol you may feel superior because of it, but everyone else with the exact same reward as you will think you are an idiot.
First, there's no way you could laugh in all those faces. You'd have to be the Santa Claus of laughing in faces. Secondly, why are you posting this? Are you that high on yourself? So you beat crota the long way... so have thousands of people. But still, you feel it necessary to talk down to those who have found a way to save time and effort? Do you shit in a hole in the ground because "that's how it was meant to be done? Come on aready! Enough!
I do it legit where I can, but it's so hard to find a group who won't cheese. I have had to a couple of times recently due to time constraints due to some things that have recently come up, but I will confess my sins to RNG to have my sins absolved.
Because I don't want to waste time killing crota legit, just to be disappointed with the rewards. And i'm extremely lazy.
9. Curiosity